08-30-2017, 10:18 PM
Spooner Wrote:Please stop being simplistic about this. A true STO society would look nothing like what we have on earth. The closest thing would be primitive tribalism where people are free to come or go as they please, except theoretically you could also have technology. It's just that humans have never been able to maintain complex societies including technology without adopting some force of coercion to keep things orderly. Part of this is just the nature of living on earth with limited ability to communicate and a huge population of psychopathic/STS people mixed among the STO.
Spooner, thank you for pulling us out of our third density chauvinism! I'm pumping my fist in the air. This is exactly the kind of thinking we need to be doing more of. For what it's worth, this is the kind of thinking I was striving towards in my essay on fourth density politics.