(08-28-2017, 03:21 PM)Lighthead Wrote: Do you really think that this planet is not STO? Ra mentions that the planet is "actually positive" in this quote. That said, he seems to contradict himself in other parts.
There are differences between orientation and polarity. Ra said that we are a social complex with seeks in many directions. This is, we can't said that the Earth is a STO planet but that the positive polarity is more present.
(08-28-2017, 03:21 PM)Lighthead Wrote: I was doing some heavy research on the Ra material and found those contradictions along with others recently. Actually, I just remembered... This is where he says it.
There aren't contractions in this passage. He was talking about the Guardians work and in the need of an equilibrium between positive and negative opportunities.
(08-28-2017, 03:21 PM)Lighthead Wrote: I also tend to see that this planet is negative. But to be honest, the main problem that I see on this planet is the widespread ignorance. This planet is bound to be 4th density eventually, but I think that it might veer towards the negative in all honesty.
There are some informations, already very known in another spiritualist sources, that Ra don't did spoke about. One of there is the Earth condition, this is, the Earth is a planet of expiations. This is your function, to serve as a hard catalyser to entities yet in evolution. This is the 3D's paradigm and there are entities from many places here now and for this reason there are much confusion. I believe that the Earth will become a 4D STO planet because I read this in many esoteric and spiritual works.