08-07-2017, 04:57 AM
(08-07-2017, 04:12 AM)ches Wrote:(08-06-2017, 07:14 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: A synchronicity of your video was it had 47 views, and that number is meaningful to me. It's my favorite 2-digit number.
Even Aleister Crowley, an apparently negative person became overwhelmed with the true nature of reality.
I just made my video public now, I guess if 47 people viewed it and I didn't get 47 "you have psychosis" comments.. then I might tip-toe into exploring that world more publicly. I think my "persona at work" is fearful of the "other people's thoughts" about it, because it's definitely not mainstream thinking and I just can't relate to any of them there, I definitely feel small and powerless in that environment since it all unfolded while I was working there. I just really want to be able to explore and talk about this stuff more openly, because otherwise it's kept all suppressed inside.
I've watched his videos in the past, and also just watched that one and a few others, but I don't know if I'm not well, but I fell asleep? hehe.. I don't understand why I fell asleep. But each time I 'woke up', he was saying things that I resonated with, like, my thoughts went to "hmm, I wonder if he got that insight the same time that I got that insight, and I wonder if we are getting the same information given-to us at the same time.. hmm.. I wonder if he is another version of me... hmm.. I wonder.. lol... " that was kinda amusing.
I find that if I'm learning a spiritual truth or gaining spiritual knowledge, that it can knock me out too. I think it has something to do with the brain only being able to handle so much information at once.
I'm glad you're letting it out. While I haven't read every word you wrote, I can still resonate.
I have wondered too if I have a parallel self, though I usually wonder that about an anthro like my avatar/profile image.
I'm always wondering what happens after death. That's my main focus. Like who will meet me right after I die. It isn't morbid, but I usually get a thrill. Though sometimes I make my life choices by how well I think I will do in the afterlife. It can take me away from the here and now.
It is all HERE and NOW. In truth, even space and time are illusions. There is only ONE of us here. ONE being. ONE mind. We are the Universe experiencing itself.
But all this may be old knowledge to you.