Hello Sonic, in my understanding, a blocked red ray is going to color or be translated in the distortions of orange ray. Orange ray is the self in relation to the self. Suicidal thoughts are linked to low self esteem and low self value, not appreciating one's life, this blocks red ray, orange ray, and above. Orange ray is resonant and links with the green and indigo ray. 2-4-6 chakra band. The primary energy centers are 1-3-5-7.
Auntiemable suggested the use of a pendulum. If that doesn't work for you, there is the system of the I-Ching, I think it's excellent. You can also ask the angels while using Tarot cards. These are just a few systems one can use to ask for and receive guidance.
Have you tried meditation? Meditation is an excellent way to get to know yourself. Much work seems to get down below the level of our conscious awareness. Distortions tend to smooth out. One is illuminated with greater understand of his distortions. It just naturally flows, from observing my experience with meditation.
Hope I was able to help. Best of wishes to you, my friend!
Auntiemable suggested the use of a pendulum. If that doesn't work for you, there is the system of the I-Ching, I think it's excellent. You can also ask the angels while using Tarot cards. These are just a few systems one can use to ask for and receive guidance.
Have you tried meditation? Meditation is an excellent way to get to know yourself. Much work seems to get down below the level of our conscious awareness. Distortions tend to smooth out. One is illuminated with greater understand of his distortions. It just naturally flows, from observing my experience with meditation.
Hope I was able to help. Best of wishes to you, my friend!