06-15-2017, 12:01 PM
(06-13-2017, 03:16 AM)sjel Wrote: From here
This mirrors a thought I've been having for a while. It seems almost as if humans are a failed experiment. We have been granted thousands upon thousands of years, indeed some entities were given two extra master cycles to attempt to achieve their evolutionary goals. So now, finally, the universe around us steps in and lends us the hand we've been begging for for too long.
Are we indeed a failure? Inherently too weak to stand on our own? Or is it as the unbudging father, watching his child helplessly struggle for far too long, yet not lending his hand until the sheer brutalness of the situation compels him to? And all because he somehow believes that it is to make the child stronger?
We've had free will for all our time on this Earth, and we have utterly failed to use it to evolve - why else would the greater beings step in all of a sudden? In fact, the ending of quarantine indicates that the higher evolved actually have no hope that we will ever - independently - achieve unity as a species. I am conflicted. At once I am grateful for the hand being extended from the heavens, and am ashamed that we require such a blatant form of intervention in order to even survive! I mean, we would have blown ourselves to pieces had not the greater Council intervened!
In previous experiments with the veil, it was learned that no veil resulted in an extremely long third density cycle. A veil was seen to speed up this cycle by intensifying catalyst.
I think what we are learning in this current iteration is the result of a veil that is simply too strong. It similarly stunts spiritual growth, hence the failure in the last two major cycles. I believe this is why this planet is being absolutely flooded with wanderers at the end of this master cycle as these entities have an easier time penetrating the veil than the native populace. It is an emergency blood transfusion for the Earth consciousness to attempt to harvest as many souls to the next density as is possible before it becomes 3rd density deactivated.
I wonder if the events of our master cycle will have any ramifications for the Logoic experiments with other planets.