06-14-2017, 01:20 PM
(06-14-2017, 10:36 AM)rva_jeremy Wrote: It's always darkest before the dawn, and those of Ra seem to describe polarization as often a very sudden phenomenon, especially sharp swings in polarity from one side to the other.
Perhaps this is the case. I try to focused on me and what I do, because in my opinion everything flows from that. Over the last few decades it has been difficult, however, to see how the world has progressed. This free will mandate for humans causes so much suffering to other life forms. I can easily accept humanity's plight given the collective consciousness—that is not to say I am not saddened by human suffering. But the cruelty and harm done intentionally and because of disconnect and unawareness to other life forms including the planet is hard to bear. Don't get me wrong—I don't dwell on this or even focus on it for any length of time, but there it is as a fact.
(06-14-2017, 08:54 AM)Agua del Cielo Wrote: There are no excuses, absolutely no excuses!
We know enough to get started seriously.
Everything that is not healed in us we continue to spread over the planet.
The violence we experienced, the hurt and so on, we continuously spread it all over the place and aret even aware of it.
Like the test of humanity we are neither really connected to the earth plane nor are we really connected to the "spirit world".
And i am askingeach of you:
How can you expect other people to heal, to evolve, to chamge if you refuse to take the effort to heal and grow?
I agree with this. We must look within ourselves for healing. We must be courageous to do it. But I don't think there is anything more worthwhile in this life.
And I do think this free will idea can be an excuse for self-indulgence, and not to courageously look at self squarely and honestly. Intellectually, it's easy to say, free will allows for the experiential process to unfold fully. And yet, when does one wake up and make conscious choices that derive from compassion for all, not just self? In 4th density, does anyone imagine they will be doing other beings harm unnecessarily?
For example, when does a person stop eating meat that comes from torture and slavery? I know there will be rolling of eyes from members because Diana has brought up the meat-eating thing again—and it is but one (though huge and terrible) example. But we as humans continue to pillage this planet and the life here for our selfish reasons. So as we awaken, and polarize to STO, I agree with Agua that we must heal ourselves. Because if we don't, we will be unconsciously operating from triggers, and/or operating from a brainwashed position derived from societal propaganda, and not operating from clarity.
If we desire this world to be a more beautiful place, we must be that ourselves. As Gandhi said: Be the change you want to see in the world. Accepting and loving the way things are is not the same as joining in with everything just for the experience. At some point in evolution one makes conscious choices.