(11-15-2010, 04:44 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Sorry for the confusion... Thoughts are a symbol for something more fundamental.. Translation implies a one to one retention of information, which isn't the case a lot of information is lost, it's like going from png to a very low quality jpeg. It kinda retains the information but you can't get the original back from it. The symbol is not the original. And neither is the original the symbol, but there is an assumed equality relation between the two.
Great response. I think this is a really important thing to be mindful of, especially when reading channeled text. If you'll allow me to go off topic for just a minute, I'd like to remind us of all the infinity debates we've seen on this forum in the last few months, especially where Ra is quoted talking about the 1st, 2nd and et cetera things that were known in creation. Infinity, Intelligent Infinity, etc. etc. In the context of our discussion now, how futile it seems to try and read that as a literal word-for-word truth? That information is blurry at best! Not only is our language ill equipped for such topics, but our brains as well. Then add the distortion that naturally happens as one being tries to communicate to another, and we find ourselves hopelessly lost I think we all need to step back and be more humble. Ok, now back to our chat... (thank you for entertaining that)
(11-15-2010, 04:44 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: So theres the red out there, the red in here, and the red that we call it. These are three totally different things. Thoughts are closely related to the red that we call it. it is symbols like words. You could call it the red that we think it is but that's practically synonymous.
I like the example of something so seemingly simple as the color red. So long as the Creator is experiencing itself as separate selves I can't see much hope for any unified / undistorted concept. When all has coalesced back in to the mystery I think It (God) will finally fully understand the color Red again (as well as all other things).
(11-15-2010, 04:44 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: The light body is a karmic blueprint that actually has the aura as part of it, you could call it cosmic dna, the analogy certainly works on more levels, the lightbody defines what it is to be human.
Thanks for explaining those.
(11-15-2010, 04:44 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: (paragraphs condensed ~L) Not exactly, if you empty all your bank accounts in a few years time they will resemble your current accounts. That's what I'm saying. If you want to make a ton of cash you should reprogram your lightbody to consider it absolutely normal to have a ton of cash.. You couldn't spend it at the rate it'll come in. However, it's not as simple as that.. This body is slow to change and it is a very complicated tangle of conscious and subconscious attitudes. It takes a lot of effort to understand the reasons for some things in our life and changing it takes even more effort. You can see this as a trade off between the pre-life programming and the living person. This way both have a say. The guy that taught me about the lightbody gave an example. He knew a musician. Poor as a church rat, (but with a great guitar). His lightbody had this quality of poverty and a weak root chakra, so basically his ability to live in luxury was non existent... After working with him for a few months he got a record deal and went from non existent luxury to reasonably luxurious. It's objectively a small step but life changing.
It sounds to me that working with the light body is analogous to working on your own conscious personality, forming new habits or thinking patterns and actively taking new actions to change your experience of the world. So people who get in to self help books or see gurus, et cetera are basically using those books or gurus as a tool to manipulate their pre-conceptual selves?
Or another way we could say it is your unconscious mind is your pre-conceptual mind. The mind that takes your hand off the hot stove before your conceptual (conscious) mind even has a chance to think about it.
(11-15-2010, 04:44 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: No I don't believe that. I don't think we plan the lessons to learn. It'd be stupid, if we knew them before life and want to learn them why not just remember them? I know this isn't the popular thought, but I can find no sense in the notion of the earth as a school... Maybe I'm wrong... it just doesn't make sense to me. I do believe we have full choice in life and no obligations to particular lessons.
Well, I think you summed it up pretty well earlier when you said:
(11-15-2010, 04:44 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Exactly... Smile Especially the pre-incarnational programming is a good analogy. Whatever the method of programming, the result is that a human is born, inclined to have certain experiences more or less than another person. We can reprogram during life though. This isn't a fixed thing.
You don't have to call it a school, or your experiences lessons, but I do think we're here to experience certain things, regardless of what we name those things. I've always used the school and lessons metaphores in my own thinking as that gives me the best perspective on what I'm doing here, but that's me. As for the reason to learn something we already knew, I think it gets us out in to a grander scale discussion, but your statement begs the larger question about why physical existence is a reality at all, or why the Creator, being a unitary entity comprising all would decide to fragment in any way at any time. The short answer can be summed up in one word, I think, and that is "fun". That's the reason for it all ultimately I feel. Everything we do in the meantime is a part of that or leading up to that in some way. Maybe that's more response then you wanted or expected
To your last point I definitely agree. We are under no rule or obligation to do anything, which is a wonderful part of Creation. But we do anyway, because we want to. I'm learning to play the acoustic guitar. It's a lot of work and my finger tips really hurt when I'm done practicing. They're also getting callused and the increased de-sensitivity seems like a loss on some level, but the result of learning a scale or strumming a chord in tune is very satisfying and... fun! Nobody told me to play, and nobody is making me continue. It would be way easier for me to stop. But I won't On a grander scale I'm learning self confidence among other things by doing something I never thought I could do. The analogy is loose but I think that's what's going on with our larger selves and our overall plans for ourselves. We want to grow and have fun along the way. Maybe I wanted to learn how to be a good father in this life time. Wow, what a TON of work that is. But the fruit harvested (my experience and gained wisdom) from the labor (waking up at 5:30Am almost every day for the past three years now, changing poopy nappies, etc. etc.) is well worth it. I am in no way implying that you think otherwise about these things, I'm just illustrating that somewhere in the depths of my soul stream is probably the perfect blueprint for the perfect father, but having that blue print is not the same as experiencing and becoming the father in physical space/time. Or becoming the guitarist. this (physical reality space/time) is the arena, school, or whathaveyou. Where the rubber hits the road. I'm having some trouble articulating myself here, but I guess what I'm trying to communicate is that the fact that we exist implies that there is something we can do here that we can't do any other way. Or at least do as well. Ok I'll step off my soap box now.
As for your last comments about 'the Secret' and the runner analogy... Well said my friend!
L&L, ~L