(06-13-2017, 08:14 AM)Fuse Wrote: My take on this is that I feel we've faced aberrant levels of negative non-native entity activity here. 3rd density phases of evolution across the universe are mentioned as having a typical incarnation period of about a thousand of our years, but conditions are so viciously negative here that none of us can survive the environment for much more than a tenth of that.
I disagree with the poster's premise (not yours Sjel, but in the link), that it doesn't help to lay the responsibility for these hardships at the feet of the perpetrators. If we've been artificially held back, intentionally spiritually stunted and enslaved as seems to be the case, then it's not a matter of whether we're too weak to stand on our own, it's that our feet are kicked out from under us every time we try. Our natural evolution has been subverted.
I do feel, though, that our Logos did design this situation for us, creating an intense situation whereby certain species polarized really, really negatively and wrought havoc on their galactic neighbors for several million years. This would result in a huge opportunity for polarization to the positive as well, to counterbalance it through the Law of Confusion. Earth is a really intense opportunity for super fast growth, and maybe the number of souls who have truly managed to master it over the last 75,000 years is tiny. But all gained tremendously, even if they continue their 3rd density work elsewhere going forward.
The sense I have from my studies is that under natural, unassisted circumstances, a normal planetary transition from 3rd density to 4th density is pretty disruptive on the planet's surface. Here, with all the (artificially imposed) uncontrolled negative thought, the transition would likely be massively more violent still, with catastrophic atmospheric and tectonic disturbances. But, thankfully, the interference that originally caused this situation allows positively polarized forces, who have to value free will in order to maintain polarity, to come in and help us to absorb and be transformed by these energies in a more harmonious way that doesn't involve the planet violently shaking off the remains of its 3rd density detritus.
In short, we who dwell in physical bodies on Earth have been victimized. We mustn't allow ourselves to become defined by this victimization of course, but I also feel that we can be open and honest with ourselves about the effects, and shouldn't hold ourselves to standards that might have applied under different circumstances.
Man, great post. I bolded the parts that stuck in my mind the most.
I've heard a few times that our Logos is ever-so-slightly biased toward the positive, though? I wonder how that is possible given our history (and Maldek's history)
One thing: I actually feel some powerful gratitude for our situation - for those who are even just able to not fall into destructive despair every day. (And sorrow for those who do) It means that they/we as entities are unimaginably strong. Really we can't truly appreciate the strength our species has shown until the veil is pretty much lifted. Even talking about our situation candidly like this, we don't have a sense of the magnitude of our sickness.
Another reason for the gratitude is sort of a selfish one: Imagine how much more intense the love is becoming as a result of this suffering! Imagine how unfathomably intense the higher densities are that have arisen as a result of this third density experience. I guess that's why all these channeled sources say that we as a planet are "envied." They envy the intensity of experience that they cannot achieve through harmony.