06-07-2017, 04:42 PM
(06-07-2017, 04:17 PM)Henosis Wrote: By the way anagogy,
What I'm doing (possibly self defeatingly) when I'm talking about this is dividing the potential (awareness) into a potential and a kinetic phase. Something within me won't let me content myself with awareness being the fundamental substratum!
So let's say intelligent infinity is the potential, and intelligent energy is the kinetic, and the Logos is the intermediary between the two, I am further dividing the potential (intelligent infinity) prior to the creation of the Logos into a potential and a kinetic phase. This is the reason I refer to awareness as the kinetic phase and hint at something mysterious as the potential phase rather than awareness.
All because Ra just hadddd to say "Infinity became aware. This was the next step."
You likely know this is what I'm doing, but just thought I'd explain my madness lol.
It's understandable, it is just a line of inquiry I can't metaphysically follow you down because to me, existence and awareness are absolutely concomitant.
Without awareness even if something exists, it might as well not. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to see it, how do you know it was there in the first place?
You don't.
Also, from my perspective the word "intelligent" has no meaning without awareness in there somewhere, because awareness is the very essence of intelligence. It is the very heart of "comprehension". Also Ra has said that there is no potential or kinetic in unity itself, which to my way of thinking would imply that active and passive are the same thing there. That would imply that awareness is there, but it isn't deliberately focused (free will being applied).
But if you conceptualize kinetic as awareness, which you are doing, your deductions are natural and expected.
But as I've said, I don't view kinetic as awareness, or the potential, I see kinetic and potential both as subsets of awareness. One being passive the other being active.