Totally Awake, there is nothing to differentiate. Nothing to hold resistance. There is only the heart of goodness or the heart of creator in all.
In sleep, or judgement, we simply forget what we are at the deepest level.
Awakening is a gradual realization of who you are and how that it is intimately connected with all. In fact there is nothing but that.
Say for example there is an angel that is in heaven, sleeping and thus forgetting the true nature of all its surroundings and loving brothers and sisters living breathing the light of the one. This angel is dreaming that is it alone, perhaps some kind of hell or duality. The truth is always the angel is embraced on every level. It is at some event in its dream of walking alone that it remembers it's nature was never judged, was never seen as anything other than a newly created dream, awakening gradually and consistently.
You could use this analogy as a key to understanding the dynamic between 6d unity viewing it's 5d 4d and 3d etc dreaming brothers and sisters. Perhaps there is no end to the dream, always new levels of awakening to a greater connection with God in all.
In essence all that is needed is to seek the connection that is yourself sharing with all... what does that feel like? How can that knowing be embodied?
Once the idea or bad or wrong comes up at all, it deepens the dream. It may appear to be this way, but what is the truth? Is there evil? Or is it just a deeper forgetting on the part of the one of the goodness and wholeness of self that was always eternally, beautifully manifested on the deepest level, and living intimately through you. This is choiceless. The choice is seeing it.
Then comes the gradual returning of all the forgotten fragments of the whole self that were lain aside or judged. This process isn't as simple as entering the now, as the fragments must gradually be released to perceive the wholeness. It takes remembering..
In sleep, or judgement, we simply forget what we are at the deepest level.
Awakening is a gradual realization of who you are and how that it is intimately connected with all. In fact there is nothing but that.
Say for example there is an angel that is in heaven, sleeping and thus forgetting the true nature of all its surroundings and loving brothers and sisters living breathing the light of the one. This angel is dreaming that is it alone, perhaps some kind of hell or duality. The truth is always the angel is embraced on every level. It is at some event in its dream of walking alone that it remembers it's nature was never judged, was never seen as anything other than a newly created dream, awakening gradually and consistently.
You could use this analogy as a key to understanding the dynamic between 6d unity viewing it's 5d 4d and 3d etc dreaming brothers and sisters. Perhaps there is no end to the dream, always new levels of awakening to a greater connection with God in all.
In essence all that is needed is to seek the connection that is yourself sharing with all... what does that feel like? How can that knowing be embodied?
Once the idea or bad or wrong comes up at all, it deepens the dream. It may appear to be this way, but what is the truth? Is there evil? Or is it just a deeper forgetting on the part of the one of the goodness and wholeness of self that was always eternally, beautifully manifested on the deepest level, and living intimately through you. This is choiceless. The choice is seeing it.
Then comes the gradual returning of all the forgotten fragments of the whole self that were lain aside or judged. This process isn't as simple as entering the now, as the fragments must gradually be released to perceive the wholeness. It takes remembering..