06-04-2017, 12:29 PM
(06-04-2017, 12:57 AM)Aion Wrote: Also, life is full of surprises. If you break your leg somehow there are physical steps you should take first before you get focused on the metaphysical. This was something I learned in my previous experiences with 'metaphysical first aid' is that you should always treat physical symptoms and issues first and then after that work to stabilize a person metaphysically. I think this is also part of the 'healing' approach of someone who wants to aid others. Be concerned about all their needs, not just the ones you think they should be concerned about. If there are physical needs, see what you can do about those first. Then work with mind, emotions, etc. This is also a hard one to follow through because it means using your time and energy directly.
This is why I prefer naturopathic medicine. But, referring to dealing with the physical issues first, certainly this is sometimes where allopathic medicine can excel, which is in acute and trauma cases (like a broken bone, a suicidal person etc.). But this is ideally followed up with healing on all other levels.
I went to a chiropractor once after being in a minor accident. It was totally my fault. I was on my way to a lunch meeting with a client and I was primping my hair in the rear-view mirror in heavy traffic (yes I know—how stupid and superficial, but I was very young) and everyone slammed breaks on and I hit the car ahead of me. The woman driving the car I hit was screaming at me that I ruined her car (a new BMW). There were all sorts of emotional things going on around this accident. The chiropractor asked me to recall what I was thinking about when I hit the car, and suggested that I wouldn't heal until I forgave anyone involved, including anyone I may have been thinking about at the time of the incident. This makes sense when you consider it because of association alone.