(04-23-2017, 01:33 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: It occurs to me, Ankh, that since this archetype is programmed into us, we're never really going to feel satisfied and complete. The Logos thought it wise to embed existential anxiety into us: the caged bird that never quite escapes, the trapped spirit that always feels prison even if it can't see it. :-/
I'm no so sure this aspect of the archetype necessarily comes for the Logos' choices of programmation and instead more from the inherent nature of the archetypes.
What makes infinity infinite?
First thought, the boundless nature of spirit.
If so, then how could any bounded expression of boundless spirit not hold this symbolism of a caged bird?
I think it can't, except to greater/lesser extents.
Only by seeing the whole whole can the Creator truly know complete satisfaction, and any other layer of the Creator partakes in the seeking that manifests all that this thrist, of not seeing the whole, can find.