04-21-2017, 02:23 AM
Huh i found these narrative interesting...what you think.
Lucifer... " Those of you who experience the separation cannot comprehend any being wanting to remove itself from God's love. No Being would want to subject itself to such torment and torture. Yet you are here are you not? You must bring the story within yourself, understand it from a symbolic perspective. I am the aspect of you that is lost, cut off from God. Separate.
I was not always like this I, too, bathed in the love and light of the Source of all creation. I, too, was a Being of light and love. I, too, knew myself as an aspect of God. I, too, knew myself as God. Do not mistake my arrogance as unique to myself. All beings outside of your polarised thinking experience themselves as the spark of the Creator. For God has many faces. It is only Beings in the polarity of good and bad that can possibly see creation as anything else. I must take credit for holding you in this mode of expression. As the story tells, my job was to hold the forgetting.
It was a challenge for beings such as myself to move into the void and create a space that was outside of God. Could it be done? We were curious to try. God granted us free will, the power to decide, to create a choice. I stood at the crossroads and God gave me a choice, to go one way or the other. The signs said, To God, this way. To Darkness, this way. I had to choose. I knew that to choose the path back to God was the choice of God. But the overall plans were to deny God within myself and move beyond. I took a deep breath and curiously stepped into the darkness.
The rebellion was real, yet created by God itself. One third of the angels followed me in rebellion against God. Any came, brave and curious aspects of God, falling into the darkness, the unconscious part of God' s creation. We fell into the Void to hold the forgetting, to create space for the intense growth of all. So, my lawlessness was encouraged, my rebellion smiled upon by a loving God."
The Story continues...
In a pattern of light he fell a blueprint, an idea in light, and a fallen angel, not cast out by God, but surrendering to a higher purpose, an impulse from the Source. The idea was to create a planetary body capable of holding an energy that would isolate and segregate the planet from the love of the rest of the cosmos. This isolation would enable the inhabitants to grow and evolve and learn through all possibilities whether good or bad. Lucifer would sleep in the centre of this soon to be planet, holding an energy that would allow the plan to be implemented. As he fell, he wrapped cloudy veils of illusions around him. These veils, these illusions were to become the reality of planet Earth, weaving together, creating the illusions, the myths of man. Holding firmly the histories of mankind, he slept, encased in the hard rock of the forming planet. Safe from harm, undisturbed until he was to awaken and take the planet to the light by his awakening. As he fell through the darkness, the reaction to his presence created wisps of energy that swirled and spiralled like mist on an early morn. As he descended further and further, the wisps of energy became denser and denser until a form could be seen quite clearly.
It was a Dragon with giant wings, a serpent of the Void, the Unknown.
Encased within the safety of the loving embrace of the Dragon of creation, Lucifer fell still further into the darkness. As he radiated the 'forgetting energy' out from his centre, a strange phenomenon could be seen to occur. The energy created level upon level of reality. At first, there was only a slight, disconnected feeling from the Source. As the process proceeded, the levels became denser and denser, creating more and more levels of forgetting until the Dragon of all creation could be seen to split in two.
"As I fell as a pattern, a blueprint of an idea, I held in form an energy that enabled beings such as yourselves to experience, light and dark, good and bad. You all come from many places in the universe; there is much healing to be done. The only place in the universe where beings can transmute negativity into positivity is on planet Earth. This is enabled because I, Lucifer, hold a framework that allows there to be duality, judgement. You see, it is not me that commits the sins you project on to me; it is yourselves. You cannot bear the darkness in your own souls, so you disown it and project it onto me. Such is your nature, being held in duality. You, as a species, have a tendency to judge, and this in itself is the downfall of man. You have heard the story of the fall from Eden. I did not commit any sin. I just gave you the choice. You, in your truth, choose to judge the situation and fall from Grace. Grace is the ability to blindly follow the intent of the Creator. You as creative beings choose to choose. It was when you judged, that you fell from your place in heaven. All I did was give you the space where you could have a choice.
I have held this energy framework for millions of years and allowed beings from all over the universe to come here and transmute karma, to learn the lessons Earth so gladly teaches. Through me, you will learn to heal your judgements and will learn to love the darkness as well as the light as they are the two faces of God. Wake up to yourselves. Gather in the projections that you have surrounded me with and begin to heal. Wash away the darkness that encases me and I will be free to be the Lightbringer!"
" I am a mirror to the human soul. I only reflect your darkness, all that is not with God. The darkest recesses of your soul are reflected in the vision that you have of me. You cannot accept that there are places in your souls that are dark. You talk about being sinners, but how many of you have the courage to accept the darkness within yourselves. You have spent an eternity trying to project this failing onto others and myself. Blaming, judging, simply digging deeper and deeper grave for yourselves. Yet I do not judge. It is all-fine with me. There is nothing that would shock me. I have been very curious watching you from within my space create a world that is constantly on the verge of destruction. You are such exciting beings; I am amazed watching you. You are living breathing expressions of the Creator, creating dark and fore-boding clouds in your very own reality. This has been a necessary part of the plan. You have come here from many places in the universe, bringing many issues with you to be played out. You are using the energy space that I provide to experience good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness.
You are learning choice and free will. I have held for you a framework where you can experience light and dark. I will hold this framework until the last of you have finished playing in the darkness. For that is what it is, play. Elevate your consciousness into the fifth dimension for a moment, and look at me and you will see that I am friend, a brother, enabling you to experience a creative process that allows you to forget, to dream, and to awaken as God once more. It is to waken in the dream, to allow the God that you are, to awaken in the lucidity of your reality! From the level of non-judgement, it has all been a cosmic joke. All is God; nothing can possibly be left out, so, therefore, so am I and so is the darkness. For the darkness is a very creative process and fear in its transmutation is an experience never to be missed by any enquiring and curious soul.
When you can accept and love the part of you that is the dark as a creative part of your consciousness, then I will free you from my grasps and we will move together into the Oneness of New Planet. When you no longer look at me as outside of yourself, when you have pulled all the aspects of yourself into the fullness of your souls you will move in consciousness. When you can look upon evil acts without judgement, then you have truly entered the realms of heaven. I await you there. It is not about living your life without care or purpose. It is about feeling and following the intent of the soul without judgement. I have faith in you as I waken within you. As you integrate me as your own, we will both be free to play once more in Eden. For within my soul and yours, there is the information we will use to find our way Home to bathe in each other's love once more. I cannot wait for the embrace. I have felt the love. It has made me hungry. Finally I know what will satisfy this empty heart. The love of your soul. For it is through beings such as you that mankind can free the perspectives that you have around evil. Only when you can look upon darkness with the love of the Creator, which you are, will this planet of yours shift in vibration.
I hold the key. I am a blueprint. Not only do I hold the idea of separation and duality, but I also have the means with which to transform your world into a unified world of oneness and light. No longer will you see black and white, yin and yang, but you will perceive the unification of spirit and matter. You will literally become Gods living in physical forms. For this was the plan that we had all along to transform the very negativity of the universe through the love of beings such as you and me. For are we not all fallen angels?
The blueprint is a matrix that contains all the necessary information to create a New Planet frequency; beings are being aligned with the crystal at the centre of the planet to access this information. When the time is right, every-one will be aligned and I will send out a new intent. With this, we will bathe in the Light of the Creator once more. So, until the last person is finished dancing with the devil, I will hold the old way, but I am eager to shift into a new role, one where I will be misunderstood no more."
Lucifer... " Those of you who experience the separation cannot comprehend any being wanting to remove itself from God's love. No Being would want to subject itself to such torment and torture. Yet you are here are you not? You must bring the story within yourself, understand it from a symbolic perspective. I am the aspect of you that is lost, cut off from God. Separate.
I was not always like this I, too, bathed in the love and light of the Source of all creation. I, too, was a Being of light and love. I, too, knew myself as an aspect of God. I, too, knew myself as God. Do not mistake my arrogance as unique to myself. All beings outside of your polarised thinking experience themselves as the spark of the Creator. For God has many faces. It is only Beings in the polarity of good and bad that can possibly see creation as anything else. I must take credit for holding you in this mode of expression. As the story tells, my job was to hold the forgetting.
It was a challenge for beings such as myself to move into the void and create a space that was outside of God. Could it be done? We were curious to try. God granted us free will, the power to decide, to create a choice. I stood at the crossroads and God gave me a choice, to go one way or the other. The signs said, To God, this way. To Darkness, this way. I had to choose. I knew that to choose the path back to God was the choice of God. But the overall plans were to deny God within myself and move beyond. I took a deep breath and curiously stepped into the darkness.
The rebellion was real, yet created by God itself. One third of the angels followed me in rebellion against God. Any came, brave and curious aspects of God, falling into the darkness, the unconscious part of God' s creation. We fell into the Void to hold the forgetting, to create space for the intense growth of all. So, my lawlessness was encouraged, my rebellion smiled upon by a loving God."
The Story continues...
In a pattern of light he fell a blueprint, an idea in light, and a fallen angel, not cast out by God, but surrendering to a higher purpose, an impulse from the Source. The idea was to create a planetary body capable of holding an energy that would isolate and segregate the planet from the love of the rest of the cosmos. This isolation would enable the inhabitants to grow and evolve and learn through all possibilities whether good or bad. Lucifer would sleep in the centre of this soon to be planet, holding an energy that would allow the plan to be implemented. As he fell, he wrapped cloudy veils of illusions around him. These veils, these illusions were to become the reality of planet Earth, weaving together, creating the illusions, the myths of man. Holding firmly the histories of mankind, he slept, encased in the hard rock of the forming planet. Safe from harm, undisturbed until he was to awaken and take the planet to the light by his awakening. As he fell through the darkness, the reaction to his presence created wisps of energy that swirled and spiralled like mist on an early morn. As he descended further and further, the wisps of energy became denser and denser until a form could be seen quite clearly.
It was a Dragon with giant wings, a serpent of the Void, the Unknown.
Encased within the safety of the loving embrace of the Dragon of creation, Lucifer fell still further into the darkness. As he radiated the 'forgetting energy' out from his centre, a strange phenomenon could be seen to occur. The energy created level upon level of reality. At first, there was only a slight, disconnected feeling from the Source. As the process proceeded, the levels became denser and denser, creating more and more levels of forgetting until the Dragon of all creation could be seen to split in two.
"As I fell as a pattern, a blueprint of an idea, I held in form an energy that enabled beings such as yourselves to experience, light and dark, good and bad. You all come from many places in the universe; there is much healing to be done. The only place in the universe where beings can transmute negativity into positivity is on planet Earth. This is enabled because I, Lucifer, hold a framework that allows there to be duality, judgement. You see, it is not me that commits the sins you project on to me; it is yourselves. You cannot bear the darkness in your own souls, so you disown it and project it onto me. Such is your nature, being held in duality. You, as a species, have a tendency to judge, and this in itself is the downfall of man. You have heard the story of the fall from Eden. I did not commit any sin. I just gave you the choice. You, in your truth, choose to judge the situation and fall from Grace. Grace is the ability to blindly follow the intent of the Creator. You as creative beings choose to choose. It was when you judged, that you fell from your place in heaven. All I did was give you the space where you could have a choice.
I have held this energy framework for millions of years and allowed beings from all over the universe to come here and transmute karma, to learn the lessons Earth so gladly teaches. Through me, you will learn to heal your judgements and will learn to love the darkness as well as the light as they are the two faces of God. Wake up to yourselves. Gather in the projections that you have surrounded me with and begin to heal. Wash away the darkness that encases me and I will be free to be the Lightbringer!"
" I am a mirror to the human soul. I only reflect your darkness, all that is not with God. The darkest recesses of your soul are reflected in the vision that you have of me. You cannot accept that there are places in your souls that are dark. You talk about being sinners, but how many of you have the courage to accept the darkness within yourselves. You have spent an eternity trying to project this failing onto others and myself. Blaming, judging, simply digging deeper and deeper grave for yourselves. Yet I do not judge. It is all-fine with me. There is nothing that would shock me. I have been very curious watching you from within my space create a world that is constantly on the verge of destruction. You are such exciting beings; I am amazed watching you. You are living breathing expressions of the Creator, creating dark and fore-boding clouds in your very own reality. This has been a necessary part of the plan. You have come here from many places in the universe, bringing many issues with you to be played out. You are using the energy space that I provide to experience good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness.
You are learning choice and free will. I have held for you a framework where you can experience light and dark. I will hold this framework until the last of you have finished playing in the darkness. For that is what it is, play. Elevate your consciousness into the fifth dimension for a moment, and look at me and you will see that I am friend, a brother, enabling you to experience a creative process that allows you to forget, to dream, and to awaken as God once more. It is to waken in the dream, to allow the God that you are, to awaken in the lucidity of your reality! From the level of non-judgement, it has all been a cosmic joke. All is God; nothing can possibly be left out, so, therefore, so am I and so is the darkness. For the darkness is a very creative process and fear in its transmutation is an experience never to be missed by any enquiring and curious soul.
When you can accept and love the part of you that is the dark as a creative part of your consciousness, then I will free you from my grasps and we will move together into the Oneness of New Planet. When you no longer look at me as outside of yourself, when you have pulled all the aspects of yourself into the fullness of your souls you will move in consciousness. When you can look upon evil acts without judgement, then you have truly entered the realms of heaven. I await you there. It is not about living your life without care or purpose. It is about feeling and following the intent of the soul without judgement. I have faith in you as I waken within you. As you integrate me as your own, we will both be free to play once more in Eden. For within my soul and yours, there is the information we will use to find our way Home to bathe in each other's love once more. I cannot wait for the embrace. I have felt the love. It has made me hungry. Finally I know what will satisfy this empty heart. The love of your soul. For it is through beings such as you that mankind can free the perspectives that you have around evil. Only when you can look upon darkness with the love of the Creator, which you are, will this planet of yours shift in vibration.
I hold the key. I am a blueprint. Not only do I hold the idea of separation and duality, but I also have the means with which to transform your world into a unified world of oneness and light. No longer will you see black and white, yin and yang, but you will perceive the unification of spirit and matter. You will literally become Gods living in physical forms. For this was the plan that we had all along to transform the very negativity of the universe through the love of beings such as you and me. For are we not all fallen angels?
The blueprint is a matrix that contains all the necessary information to create a New Planet frequency; beings are being aligned with the crystal at the centre of the planet to access this information. When the time is right, every-one will be aligned and I will send out a new intent. With this, we will bathe in the Light of the Creator once more. So, until the last person is finished dancing with the devil, I will hold the old way, but I am eager to shift into a new role, one where I will be misunderstood no more."