04-16-2017, 07:47 AM
(04-16-2017, 07:41 AM)loostudent Wrote: Anagogy, I thought about your analogy. I don't think room temperature is oneness. I think unity is something beyond polarization and dualistic concepts - not something in the middle. Room temparature could be unpolarized state before polarization or stagnation in that state. As it is written in the Bible:
Quote:But since you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth. (Rev 3,16)
No analogy is perfect.
A more perfect analogy, in my opinion would probably be one that indicated that extreme coldness and extreme hotness reach a point where they are the same 'thing'. Problem is, not many physical analogies for that, and I wanted something that conveyed the ultimate 'automaticness' or 'inevitableness' of oneness. Essentially, given an infinite stretch of time, unity is inevitable because it is the 'relaxed' state of the Logos, whereas what we call 'separation' is the 'willed' state. When the will is relinquished, the resistance to what is is similarly let go of, and all becomes one.