04-14-2017, 09:58 PM
(04-14-2017, 03:17 PM)APeacefulWarrior Wrote: ...
Sigh, okay, let me give you a very direct and concise example of my argument.
I cannot seem to persuade you to see another viewpoint, you are a slave to your own perspective and I am a slave to your perspective as long as I try to expose you to another perspective that conflicts with your own.
Slavery isn't about not being allowed to do whatever you want, it's about not being allowed to freely do as you desire to do where it is safe to do so. As I said, you can't park in certain places, you can't grow certain things in certain places, you can't be yourself in certain places, all because of the way society is structured. It's not enslaving feeling to you, but it is to many others, and you will see that one day. You won't be able to hide behind your comfortable perspective of how life is forever, there is a darker side and it won't stay at bay for your comfort. People arguing stuff like Scottk are the reasons such things probably won't happen anymore, because if it did, they'd be proven right, it'd show the actual existence of something deeper and darker than we're comfortable with as a collective.
Rape, murder, torture...Enslavement goes deeper than the arguments you've poised but I promise you, I couldn't eloquently explain it to you or do it's depth of plight any justice. Whatever collective catalyst is incoming, the reality is simply this. Both perspectives exist. You don't see one, that doesn't mean it's invalid because another does where you don't. A financial collapse is honestly probable enough to be a little bit concerning, enough to say something, and it's a valid point regardless of the implications, because those same implications are further why it both possibly more so could or can't happen. We simply don't know, but it's a card and we know about it, and we're not afraid to say this is the reality, that this is possible, that this isn't a delusion or paranoia or some crackpot nutjob conspiracy theory, it's credible and legitimate, there's evidence that you might not even consider evidence, such as the Super Bowl being hacked the second to last time it was held, or the Stock Market getting hacked and taken down, or the backbone of the internet being DDOSed offline.
How hard is it to make a financial collapse? A hacker only needs to make a few lines of code and realistically, not fantasy, realistically that is all it takes to collapse the fiat virtual currency system now running the show here in America, which will topple economies worldwide or at least damage them hard.
You call this fearmongering and such. It's just talking about the Truth dude. It is real, someone else, many others see it. Are we all just crazy to you then? Paranoid fools too lost in our fear and delusion to ever hope to see your version of reality? I don't understand, just like you don't seem to understand.
It's whatever though, chances are a financial collapse won't happen, but still, those chances are lowered as people keep bringing up that potential move, putting whoever has the power to make that move in a hard place. If you reveal yourself, you lose your power, and if others call out your next moves accurately, you're forced to not play them to try and shake off their perceptiveness. To keep the illusion real.
Or maybe I'm just a nut job, who knows. You can't seem to consider a different view from your own along this subject which seems rather odd for you, you seem pretty open about a lot of things.
I just wanted you to consider another view, not even embrace it, but just consider it's plausibility, but no. I'm too tired to argue, you're not wrong in your views, neither is Scott in his. It's all there, you just need to attempt to consider it, maybe you'd even find a way to bridge others to your understanding if you could come to meet theirs. Either way, slavery is both real and not real for many different kinds of people, as a white male, I can't speak for the minorities who are treated even worse, but I promise you, many of them feel something is wrong with the world. That problem is partially that they're trapped in a financial system that reduces their financial assets. Another view is the authoritative apathy from the authorities and brutality from those same authorities who get away with rape and murder and torture, literally, against black people, against women, literally against mentally ill people, against addicts. Suppressing them, abusing them, helping them only if its in the right circumstances to do so. If that's not slavery then I can't try to explain it anymore. You cannot make a blind man see the sight right in front of him...
But maybe, he can hear it.
You seem to be doing rather well for yourself, why don't you go spend some time with poverty stricken people, with minorities, with the mentally ill and homeless, you might see from their views the world, that they're not victims, they just ended up right where they were supposed to be if you paid any attention to society and their opinions of those types of things. There's an entire side of this culture that is beyond apathy and judgment, they have no problem aiding a system that churns out prisoners and addicts and poverty and homelessness, they call it peaceful and say it is working just fine.
You don't have a clue it would seem. I hope one day you do. Peace be with you, and may you see one day the slaves that walk among you, who don't identify as such, but feel it nonetheless, that something is wrong with the society they are living in.
Sigh. Does it really matter either way though if it is or is not real? To many it is real...Isn't that enough to make it be called...Real? Or is the absence more noteworthy? Is it enough that others don't see it as real, to call it unreal?