04-14-2017, 05:59 AM
The word Lucifer (from latin Bible) originally denotes planet Venus - it's brilliance. In Bible it is applied for leading ruler of that time (the king of Babilon) but also for Jesus Christ as spiritual light.
My interpretation of Bible and Ra Material put together:
1. Creators = Logos and sub-Logoi ("Elohim" is translated as Creator/God but in original it is plural)
2. Eden = creations of early sub-Logoi (state of innocence before the veil)
3. Adam and Eve = 3rd density incarnated entities
4. Satan = head of the negative inner plane entites
Quote:The Syriac version and the version of Aquila derive the Hebrew noun helel from the verb yalal, "to lament"; St. Jerome agrees with them (In Isaiah 1.14), and makes Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel who must lament the loss of his original glory bright as the morning star. In Christian tradition this meaning of Lucifer has prevailed; the Fathers maintain that Lucifer is not the proper name of the devil, but denotes only the state from which he has fallen (Petavius, De Angelis, III, iii, 4) (Catholic Encyclopedia)
My interpretation of Bible and Ra Material put together:
1. Creators = Logos and sub-Logoi ("Elohim" is translated as Creator/God but in original it is plural)
2. Eden = creations of early sub-Logoi (state of innocence before the veil)
3. Adam and Eve = 3rd density incarnated entities
4. Satan = head of the negative inner plane entites