04-13-2017, 06:05 PM
(04-13-2017, 05:51 PM)sjel Wrote: How is the negative entity replenishing its energy? What source does it replenish from? Does it simply have a steady supply of other selves to replenish its energy stores? Does this make it impossible for an entity to polarize negatively in solitude, unlike positive entities such as hermits and yogis who might spend their lifetime in meditative seclusion radiating love to the universe?
It needs a neverending supply of otherselves to replenish what the universe will take back. It is like an army that keeps losing members and needs to replenish its reserves to build the complex back up to full strength. So it needs constant recruitment so to speak. The actual specific manifestation that the taking back would constitute is up for anyone's speculation, but essentially the concept is this: the sts entity makes its own luck, which is generated by taking from others, the sto entity gets blessings from the universe for their self less acts.
I don't believe you could reach a harvestable degree of positivity in seclusion. Once you reached a certain threshold of positivity you would be attracted towards otherselves (eventually the energy would become such that the monk would be compelled to leave the cave). But I suppose otherselves could be relating to flora and fauna in some way. But it would probably be a slow building of polarity.