04-13-2017, 05:51 PM
(04-13-2017, 04:53 PM)anagogy Wrote: The STS being absorbs from others, and the universe absorbs from them (this is karma), but when one's absorption becomes 'pure' (harvestable grade negativity which equals contact with intelligent infinity), they are constantly replenishing anything the universe 'takes back'. This is a 'balance' of a sort. The positive being is radiating to others, and the universe radiates to them in equal measure. And when their radiation becomes pure, they given a similar never-ending stream of metaphorical 'warming energy' from the universe to replenish the energy they are sending out (this also equals a 'balance' of a sort). In sixth density, the will is relinquished, and beings become one with each other.
How is the negative entity replenishing its energy? What source does it replenish from? Does it simply have a steady supply of other selves to replenish its energy stores? Does this make it impossible for an entity to polarize negatively in solitude, unlike positive entities such as hermits and yogis who might spend their lifetime in meditative seclusion radiating love to the universe?