(04-11-2017, 12:33 PM)Infinite Wrote: In my humble opinion karma can't be "transferred".
Well there's really just the karma of One.
But yeah, no entity can bypass their own karma as that would be bypassing learning lessons as the Creator. IMHO, karma is a highly misunderstood concept where people see it as a form of justice while there's really no such aspect to it in my view. Your karma is about the paradoxes of your perception attracting what can resolve them, about your imbalances attracting what can balance them, etc. Karma ever is a tool at your service and it never does work against anyone, but instead with them. The idea of karma as justice is really just a view of separation, there's no one whose experience is not your own, none whose pain won't be your pain and as such the idea of "payback" merely adds more pain to the One for the sake of adding more pain to the One.
Outside the 3D view, I think karma could be understood as the most impersonal force maintaining the balance of the Creator's wholeness. Within the Creator, all opposites will be and as such you could live the most "righteous" experience across the entire Octave and you will at the same time manifest its opposite into a separate individualization of yourself that will have the honor/duty of experiencing a will that was the opposite of the one that was your individualization's will. The Creator will never be without a thing and as such any desire of a particular way or experience always require its oposite to manifest in contrast and ultimately all individualizations will come to also identify with all opposites of how they used to identify in order to join with the One, for the One is all things and not certain things only. The differenciation between entities always lie in the cause and effect of the experiences that have shaped them, you're never unlike an other-self and instead are truly what they are.
Anytime I see someone say that karma will do the work of hitting another, I see someone cursing and wishing ill to another which will attract just that back at them as the other-self is a mirror upon the self. Forgiveness and acceptance are key, non-forgiveness and non-acceptance will attract karma to provide opportunities to find forgiveness and acceptance even if you think you're the one who was wronged.