04-04-2017, 12:06 PM
(04-04-2017, 11:21 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: A good question to contemplate next to this one.
How does an attacker see their victim as creator?
That mosquito you killed, the ant you stepped on. The animal you are eating. The tea leaves you are drinking. How does one find love of self and other as creator while assaulting another?
How does the attacker in self defense love that whom they are not only defending against but also attacking?
Assaults happen when one's love is distorted and hurt, so for the aggressor to find blissful love requires healing and setting the patterns of its perception straight.
Beyond that, you can seek to see the wonder of the dance of energy transfers as One and the mechanics of unified Karma. In this even the most evil of man is but a slave to others, fufilling the sorrowful role of its bestowed path that we all share through the identity of its experiences.
You find love both in forgiveness and in perceiving that you are each role and not any over another. There is no actual separation and all is One. The false perception of disharmony is an enabler for more complex experiences as they are desired to be known and this is so for all your examples. Contemplate the elements and how they teach one another, and see that beyond the complexity of our perception we are but the elements still teaching one another. I guess faith is important intially to move into the perception that there is no disharmony as each pattern of perception of disharmony will be brought to the surface to be distilled and resolved so that you may truly embody this notion. Faith offers a direction you initially lack in your confusion.