Welcome friend! I would say that the phenomena of Twin Flames does indeed fit into the Law of One cosmology. L/L Research did a channeling in 1986 that discusses this topic:
Quote:Questioner: Can you tell me of the concept of soul mates?http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0406.aspx
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that this is a term which is most popular among many of those who seek the nature of truth among your peoples at this time, yet it is a term which has been somewhat misused, shall we say, in its most common usage. We find that the term of soul mates is reserved for those entities within your third-density illusion who have from incarnation to incarnation journeyed together and found the seeking of truth to be enhanced by joining in repeated incarnations in order that lessons begun and carried on at one time may be completed, as you might say, at yet another time. Those of the nature of soul mates may be many in number, not just two, and may be of many sexual natures in order that there might be the variety of the interaction between various entities in various incarnations.
May we elaborate in any further way, my brother?
Questioner: There’s also the term “twin flames.” Is that also soul mates or is this a different form of incarnation?
I am Latwii, and we believe that we might best answer this query by suggesting that the term twin flames is a term which is somewhat more specific in its use. Entities who are of this nature are, shall we say, somewhat more closely connected in the nature of their being and in the nature of their seeking. The entities will have found their individualization of consciousness as having sprung from the same root, shall we say. This is a concept which is somewhat difficult to explain in terms of your language, however, we shall attempt such.
The origin of the individualized nature of these entities is an origin which in many cases brings forth only one individualized portion of consciousness and sends it forth that it might gain further experience and continue through the process of evolution thusly. The twin flame concept springs from the dual aspect of the consciousness foci which then have the same origin within what you might call the upper levels of the second-density pool of consciousness. Thus, the entities who might fall within the designation of twin flame are somewhat like the Siamese twins that are the rare occurrence within your own illusion.
May we answer in any further way, my brother?
Questioner: Is there any way that one can tell if he has met his twin flame?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that there are many ways one may know about the nature of another. In the case of which you speak, the recognition of such an entity could perhaps be first noticed in a certain unspoken feeling that is shared between the entities. The somewhat unconscious knowing of another might then expand in its expression to include what you may call the precognitive experience of another, that is to say, one may begin to anticipate the thoughts, words and actions of the other before they occur. Within the meditative or perhaps the dreaming state, one may discover certain experiences shared in other illusions making themselves known in symbolic fashion. The entities may then through continued interaction become aware that there is more to their current experience than meets the eye, and this may then be pursued in what you may call the hypnotic regression where the intent is to move into previous experiences in order to discover more of the shared experience which is, shall we say, magnetically drawn to this current experience.