(04-02-2017, 06:59 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Oh oh oh lolol, aw, its refreshing to see someone else angry at the cosmos.
How ironic to a human that it is 'menstrating', couldn't possibly be from some mansculine pride to not surrender its way of operation.
I appreciate the post Makakali, but I want to point out with the same humor I do to myself after such angry thoughts, that it is ironic you want existence to be a certain way, and condemn those who do make existence a certain way.
Surely you must realize any siege or rebellion against the 'controllers' makes you one as well, you'd have to pull a Code Geass ending-tier stunt cause otherwise you'd be the last one in need of being rebelled against, your task forever incomplete until you finished up the last remaining controller.
I personally think many people...souls do come here to have fun, Earth is a fun place in its own ways.
I just want to make all creation cease, not turn it into a war. Funny...How we contrast. You could argue I'm the greatest monster for that desire, and yet I see it as inconsequential against an infinite array, even if you wiped the slate clean, something will crop up out of nothing again. I prefer that to a long period of war and rebellion in the higher planes.
What must those that love us from those places also think of us? To hear a friend say they wished they were all gone or violently warring.
Do you ever think the higher realms grow saddened or angry by our desires?
How "ironic" it is that it has to be that I treat people from both genders equally, and I just decided to use a female metaphor this time, and I could have just as easily said that "the angels are being dicks", and, in fact, usually choose something like that instead.
Seriously, if you were count how many times I said "X is a dick" or another reference that could, somehow, be construed as a reference to the male gender or anatomy, it'd far outweigh period jokes or female anatomical references, but nobody has ever said anything once about those, in contrast to the many times I've gotten called out for, say using the c-word or a lesser female-derived swear word (even when it's not directed at a female in any sense).
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for equal rights, but I do treat everyone the same, regardless of race or gender or sexual orientation, and I don't like people. Females don't get excluded from my patters of thinking at all - when the pattern recognition parts of my brain pick up language patterns or new metaphors, it doesn't sort them by gender or anything else and filter out the un-PC ones, and, as a result, I end using vulgarities that should, if people were really thinking equally, offend everyone pretty much equally, because I'll make horrible jokes about anybody and everybody.
Makes me think about a quote from the creators of South Park, which I can't find at the moment, where they point out how hypocritical it was for Isaac Hayes to leave the show after the Scientology episode after he collaborated with episodes mocking every other religion out there, pointing out that when one group in your mind becomes more protected from mockery than another, that's where discrimination begins. Either all of it's okay, or none of it is.
Feminists have gotten their wires crossed in this area rather severely recently, but it's not just limited to them:
And the NAACP was a very important organization in the past, but somewhere between fighting for Black civil rights and throwing tantrums because they misunderstood a Hallmark card, something got confused.
Now, you know, I'm Irish, and there are whole cereal brands and holidays dedicated to stereotyping and mocking my ethnicity, and that's okay. We Irish have also had our own struggles in this country in the past, and we are also find with being made fun of a little, even when it's right out there in the open, and not just some imagined slur on a Hallmark card.
And no, our slavery wasn't as extensive or intense as African-Americans', but all people have had their tough times in history, and there's a huge difference between being offended by mean words or perceived mean words, and fighting actual oppression.
I watched a video yesterday that's relevant peripherally relevant to this discussion:
Million dollar question:
Those are both trans individuals. You would not not invite one of them into your home. Which one?
There's a point where "tolerance and understanding" morphs into something really, really retarded. And if you got offended by the word at the end of the preceding sentence, after reading my bold proclamation that nobody is excluded from my language, you might wanna consider if you are part of the problem. And maybe you are, since I've gotten repirmanded for using the word "gay" on this forum despite being bisexual, and somebody is likely to get upset that I used the word "retarded", even though I've had brain scans done as a kid and I'm partially retarded in at least one part of my brain.
Sorry for the rant, but this has been on my subconscious a lot recently, and you happened to be the camel-straw. And in the collective unconscious, too, I think.
As far as what the higher planes think, I'd be a lot more inclined to care if they weren't always trying keep me locked up. Either they are humans, or they think like humans, and I'm not native to their area of the astral at all. To my way of thinking, systematic repression of freedom necessitates a violent bloodbath in some cases, because violence is preferable by far to being enslaved.