There are already terms contained within Kabbalah which pertain to these concepts.
We have down at the very bottom of creation, in Malkuth, the Guph which pertains to the physical mechanical body itself. Along with the Guph and what runs/generates it is the Nephesh which is the 'animal soul' which pertains to the lower desires and self. These reside in the sphere of Malkuth and the world of Assiah, that of action. This is the lowest part of the soul.
The next level up starts at Yesod (which also pertains to the astral) and goes all the way to Chesed. This is the Ruach and is considered the middle part of the soul, this pertains to the 'lower mind' and responds to the reasoning and intellectual powers. It is structural and formative and as such refers to the world of Yetzirah, of Formation. This area also corresponds with the Zodiac and solar creativity, hence with Tiphareth in its middle. Tiphareth is the Microprosopus, the 'Lesser Countenance' which corresponds with the Higher Self. The first and major objective of the magician is to unite with Tiphareth.
Above this is the Veil, the Abyss which separates the higher spiritual faculties, the deeper, higher mind from the lower mind. This higher mind is collectively called Neschamah and this all corresponds with the intuition and understanding, so the proper sphere of Neschamah is Binah, understanding. The other element of of Neschamah is with Chokhmah and is called Chiah, this represents the vital dynamic energy of life, it is electric. The last element and the core of the Neschamah is the Yechidah, this corresponds with Kether, the Crown and is the "I Am", it is the One as the Self, and is the pure soul.
Thus, the journey of climbing the Tree of Life to transcend beyond one's lower mind to make contact with that divinity beyond where the personality cannot go.
So I would say that First Density/Second Density = Guph and Nephesh, Third/Fourth/Fifth Density = Ruach, Sixth Density = Neschamah and Seventh Density = Yechidah. Although I think these would more pertain to sub-densities in the densities rather than the densities themselves which I would correlate more with the worlds.
In that case I would say First/Second/Third Densities would be Assiah. Fourth/Fifth would be Yetzirah. Sixth would be Briah and Seventh would be Atziluth.
Also, relating to Chakras...
We have down at the very bottom of creation, in Malkuth, the Guph which pertains to the physical mechanical body itself. Along with the Guph and what runs/generates it is the Nephesh which is the 'animal soul' which pertains to the lower desires and self. These reside in the sphere of Malkuth and the world of Assiah, that of action. This is the lowest part of the soul.
The next level up starts at Yesod (which also pertains to the astral) and goes all the way to Chesed. This is the Ruach and is considered the middle part of the soul, this pertains to the 'lower mind' and responds to the reasoning and intellectual powers. It is structural and formative and as such refers to the world of Yetzirah, of Formation. This area also corresponds with the Zodiac and solar creativity, hence with Tiphareth in its middle. Tiphareth is the Microprosopus, the 'Lesser Countenance' which corresponds with the Higher Self. The first and major objective of the magician is to unite with Tiphareth.
Above this is the Veil, the Abyss which separates the higher spiritual faculties, the deeper, higher mind from the lower mind. This higher mind is collectively called Neschamah and this all corresponds with the intuition and understanding, so the proper sphere of Neschamah is Binah, understanding. The other element of of Neschamah is with Chokhmah and is called Chiah, this represents the vital dynamic energy of life, it is electric. The last element and the core of the Neschamah is the Yechidah, this corresponds with Kether, the Crown and is the "I Am", it is the One as the Self, and is the pure soul.
Thus, the journey of climbing the Tree of Life to transcend beyond one's lower mind to make contact with that divinity beyond where the personality cannot go.
So I would say that First Density/Second Density = Guph and Nephesh, Third/Fourth/Fifth Density = Ruach, Sixth Density = Neschamah and Seventh Density = Yechidah. Although I think these would more pertain to sub-densities in the densities rather than the densities themselves which I would correlate more with the worlds.
In that case I would say First/Second/Third Densities would be Assiah. Fourth/Fifth would be Yetzirah. Sixth would be Briah and Seventh would be Atziluth.
Also, relating to Chakras...