03-26-2017, 12:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2017, 12:56 PM by APeacefulWarrior.)
(03-25-2017, 02:42 PM)Mahakali Wrote: If you wanted to become the queen of England, all you'd have to do is jump to the right time/space location, which would mean learning to change your body from space/time to time/space and learning to move within time/space to a degree sufficient to lock phase with events that happened in the "past". Which, I think, wouldn't mean going to the "past" as most people understand it as much as creating new set of patterns with a bunch of previous patterns used as material; re-using props or bits of computer code.
You're right, that is the solution to the "riddle." At least on a personal level. The only way it becomes possible is to step entirely outside conventional thinking altogether and work on much 'higher' frameworks, if someone truly wanted to accomplish it. But I also see this as reinforcing what I said about having to envision a path to the endpoint, not just the endpoint itself. Your post was, to a large extent, your envisioning of the path.
On the wider scale, though, it also illustrates why most people will not be the Queen of England, at least not in a direct sense.
As far as in-fighting goes with people like Koetting or the O9A, it probably just boils down to jealousy and perceived threats as much as anything else. Those who seek power, particularly LHP style powers, tend to be extremely paranoid of other people encroaching upon their power and\or seeing power used against themselves. There's an interesting paradox there, at least as I see it. For someone to believe in the power of curses, just as an example, means they must necessarily believe in the power of curses to be used on them. Or to wish to enslave others means having the fear of being enslaved in turn.
To my mind, that's the trap of the LHP, at least those petty-minded sorts who can't think past things like money and revenge. And one would have to have supreme wisdom to avoid that trap without being caught. Which, in turn, raises the question: Would someone with enough wisdom to avoid it still have the desire to seek such powers?
Otherwise, I'm really not sure what, exactly, the path would be towards trying to achieve the view of Infinity that beings like Seth or Ra have access to. In a very vague way, I think it would involve raising one's consciousness to the point that they could personally identify as their own higher self, seeing their body as something more like a remote-controlled vehicle. This view, if achieved, would probably also grant access to their parallel/multiverse forms and allow an entity to begin working with\through many different incarnations of themselves at the same time. That would theoretically yield incredible perspective on "reality" as we experience it while on Earth.
But how to achieve that without going insane or fragmenting one's own "self" beyond recognition? I truly don't know. And it's somewhat outside the work I'm doing personally so it's not really something I play with aside from as theoretical speculation.