(03-25-2017, 01:00 AM)Night Owl Wrote: I think a notion that makes it hard for us comprehend the concept of infinity is that of time/space and space/time. It would be hard for us to imagine infinite alternate parallel universes of physical realities like ours where all non-happening scenarios are happening, but if we think of it in time/space it seems kind of easier to imagine because this environment seems like it has less constraints. But I think there is no real difference or seperation between space/time and time/space, they seem more like a spectrum in which each is the opposite axis of observation, like an X,Y axis in algebra. I think they are both just a scale of one another, meaning space/time is just a time/space which is mesured in terms of space. If you put all spaces together in parallel, I think it would begin to ressemble time itself and so I think we can't really seperate them from one another when thinking about such question. And so we could see this space/time as just a dream which is focused on physicality, but put alongside the rest, it would appear as a time/space like any dream, where the nature of infinity is more intuitive. In fact there is possibly worlds where physicality is even more intense than here, why not?
Yeah, those worlds are the so-called "infernal planes" - which exist basically in a different range of our planetary complex's vibratory spectrum - where atoms contain more particles than they do here, leading to more mechanical behavior and therefore less spiritual influence. Samael Aeon Wuor wrote a decent book about this, and Seth also mentions these planes briefly in one of the early sessions, warning that drugs can cause a molecular disturbance leading to someone falling into them (possibly without being able to find their way out). Invoking certain Dragon Rogue material can lead you to these places (or at least something like them), since parts of their paradigm is focused on deeping the spiritual fall into matter.
I don't think time/space and space/time exist as complete in and of themselves, and rather just concepts generalizing certain concepts; I think time/space is just light patterns that move much faster than space/time light patterns, and as a result, we perceive space/time as a subset of time/space. I think there's a lot of stuff that vibrates faster than the speed of light and all the way up to infinity (the Creator), at which point you can choose which point in time/space-space/time you wanna be incarnated at, and we're technically present in all levels at once, but time/space is that part which interacts with scalar waves and neutrinos and the other parts of the universe which move FTL.
If you can imagine it, it's possible, and Seth mentions that all possibilities are explored in some probable system or another. I think that even if the energy coming from the Creator isn't infinite (and I think it is), there's more than enough to create whatever we could possibly conceive of.
16.53 Questioner: All right. Continuing with what we were just talking about, namely densities: I understand then that each density has seven sub-densities which again have seven sub-densities which again have seven sub-densities. This expands at an extremely large rate as things are increased in powers of seven. Does this mean that in any density level anything that you can think of is happening? And many things that you never thought of are happening… are there… everything is happening… this is confusing…
Ra: I am Ra. From your confusion we select the concept with which you struggle, that being infinite opportunity. You may consider any possibility/probability complex as having an existence.