11-05-2010, 03:19 PM
Ali, you possess a very interesting viewpoint in regards to this subject. Could we also look at the preconceptual self as kind of an inner core part of your being that, due to experience, has become predisposed to some things? I imagine a large portion of humanity has a similar preconceptual self (i.e. the predisposition to call a cow a cow) due to our many years of shared experience.
I agree that "modern" medicine is a surrender to the belief that healing has to come from outside the self. It, like a lot of the things we develop for convenience, happens because of the veil.
I see that you differentiate an animal's thought from a human's "symbolic" thought, and I like that term. The point I was getting at there was that you can't have a brain without thought. It's like blood flowing through the veins, there's always thought present. I also think you've shed a little more light on the topic of conscious vs subconscious manifestation, and understanding your concepts more clearly now, I think I can agree with you.
But I would add, as a compliment to what you say, my understanding that the purpose of conscious thought is to guide or act as a frame or focuser of the more subconscious powers of manifestation. I also like your differentiation between faith and belief.
I agree that "modern" medicine is a surrender to the belief that healing has to come from outside the self. It, like a lot of the things we develop for convenience, happens because of the veil.
I see that you differentiate an animal's thought from a human's "symbolic" thought, and I like that term. The point I was getting at there was that you can't have a brain without thought. It's like blood flowing through the veins, there's always thought present. I also think you've shed a little more light on the topic of conscious vs subconscious manifestation, and understanding your concepts more clearly now, I think I can agree with you.