03-10-2017, 01:04 PM
(02-25-2017, 09:55 AM)SMC Wrote:Quote:(Infinite Unity) Well I know a couple people on here, not naming names, but do not like how SMC seems to think she is the Grand Minister or Guardian of the forums. She is always sticking her nose in on threads and acting as if she was the only one with grand wisdom. Just like this thread there are many threads she has derailed on her ideologies of what is. The op of this thread stated originally this is a story, he does not proclaim it to be absolute truth. Yet here we are with this thread all derailed and off track from her personal ideologies. Whicare find to have, but you can't go around projecting them as if they were the ultimate representation.
Infinite Unity - It wasn't me that "derailed" this thread:
the first query to Ashim was from Nía:
Quote:Ashim, that's an interesting and fascinating story of yours. However, and this is absolutely not to doubt or belittle your experiences, but just a warm suggestion to take care: Are you sure about Ra being the source of your channeled information (you will be aware that it is extremely rare that Ra are even able to verbally communicate to someone in 3D; see their own explanations in the LOO Book I/The Ra material)? What you have reported here, does not sound like Ra at all. Are you aware of that? Have you been challenging the source of your information thoroughly (see A Channeling Handbook)?
the second was from Aaron:
Quote:Many people wish to speak for Ra. This is because Ra is seen as trustworthy. Some would seek to misplace that trust for personal gain.
It is well to keep in mind the prerequisite circumstances of the Ra contact, and the tremendous effort needed to produce the Law of One material. It required 3 incarnate entities, 2 of which being wanderers from Ra social memory complex. It required preincarnational planning by those 3 entities and many more discarnate entities. Once Carla, Jim, and Don were born and grown and in a position to make the contact, it required cooperation and teamwork from those 3 entities and the many discarnate entities. It required absolute purity (ALL ego aside) to maintain the tuning of the contact day to day.
It is also pertinent to maintain the distinction between communication that is coming from the veiled 3rd density egoic mind, and communication that is coming directly from the 6th density higher self through the subconscious mind.
We should not take the words of anyone who comes along and claims to be speaking for Ra at face value. What begins as simple suspension of disbelief progresses to harmless entertainment and before you know it, confusion and disinformation gains credibility.
the third Nía again:
Quote:I cannot verify the truth content of this, and I surely don't want to say this is the case for anyone here, but this text might be interesting to read (at least the summary on the bottom of the start page), especially as the text has been written with the Ra contact in mind: (link) When Negative Entities Are the Source of Channeled Information(link)
the fourth from Jade:
Quote:I'm personally always skeptical when someone channels Ra because Carla was CONSTANTLY in danger of being "duped" by the 5th density entity who mimicked Ra. When she was conscious channeling Q'uo once, and desired to contact Ra, that was one time the entity almost got her. So, conscious channeling Ra always seemed like a bad idea to me, especially considering there are infinite other entities out there who can be contacted who will tell the same story, if you really want to channel. I always thought it was safest to just work on being a channel for my higher self.
I'm skeptical of this story because it involves a channeled entity encouraging the use of synthetic chemicals that I've only heard terrible things about and have seen terrible things happen to people who take them regularly.
But I still look forward to hearing the rest of the story.
and it wasn't until many posts after that --> in fact the 25th post to the thread
that I wrote my first post agreeing with Nia, Aaron and Jade.
so, Infinite Unity - I did not "derail" this thread....
or - as you put it:
Quote:"all derailed and off track from her personal ideologies"
Your unkind (and inaccurate) words: "SMC seems to think she is the Grand Minister or Guardian of the forums. She is always sticking her nose in on threads and acting as if she was the only one with grand wisdom. Just like this thread there are many threads she has derailed on her ideologies of what is. The op of this thread stated originally this is a story, he does not proclaim it to be absolute truth. Yet here we are with this thread all derailed and off track from her personal ideologies."
have been "liked" by 7 members.
Fortunately this doesn't hurt as most members are faceless strangers who I don't know and have never met
- but it is an instance of a very unkind personal assessment of me, and I'm very disappointed that the mods have allowed it to remain for all to see.
Anyhoo - I've avoided recent participation to examine this "catalyst" - instead, rereading a lot of my B4 posts for self reflection/self examination.
I can see I have a very 'firm', intense and didactic manner. I'm mostly diplomatic - but I do write in a very 'direct' way a lot of the time.
I don't have time in my life to always phrase my words in an acceptably 'gentle' way. If I did, it might help some members feel less defensive, and more open to my ideas.
But I just don't have the time these days; and I've noticed that when I've been more 'gentle' I'm still disrespected by certain members anyway.
In my assessment (over a few years) when posting here, there usually feels a need to meet a dominant egregore with equal strength.
ie: - these forums require an overly assertive 'tone' and this is innate to interactions on B4 long before I came along.
So I've come and gone and come back again and this time found myself more detached from the negativity that comes my way when I assert myself and my ideas.
I respect myself; and I don't allow passive-aggressive disrespect from others towards me.
If you'd survived what I have, you'd totally understand why. But people don't know my story as I've never trusted this forum enough to share it. A Catch 22.
As well as refusing to be disrespected; I've had decades of complex discussion with friends, relatives, at universities, forums, conferences etc, about politics and metaphysics - so though younger B4 members ideas and beliefs are very important and interesting to me; a fair bit of discussion here is "been there - done that".
(Or better said: "been there - researched that for a decade, looked into that, experienced that, felt that, suffered that, survived that, questioned that, disproved that, proved that, etc etc etc.)
But I do need to learn to back away and look at what I don't know - return my focus to what I still need to learn.
In my daily life I'm doing this - but as I've said before - these forums can create much defensiveness in participants - me included.
What else?
It's very worrying to read threads that show
- that there isn't support (as a matter of course) for the equality for women
- that white people don't understand that we have (an automatic) privilege in life (to varying degrees)
- homophobia
Apotheosis Coordinate.... no - I'm not becoming "a monster"... the intensity and strength required to 'go into battle' with negative thought forms requires a very strong energy - and yes you were projecting and not being able to view me independent from your self-referential perspective. (Olive branch accepted and much appreciation of your openness, your caring and your new energy in posting on B4.)
Infinite Unity - where does this leave us?
What we can agree on is that Ashim has stopped sharing what matters to him... he's currently silent on this thread, and all of Bring 4th should care about where he is 'at' with his story, this thread, and all this feedback to him.
I don't renege on feeling that the feedback for Ashim was needed... but it concerns me that the situation seems to now be at a stalemate.
I've said I have strong views on hallucinogens - not that they can't be useful and enlightening in supportive environments in measured doses - but that spiritual seekers in such a stressful harsh world - using known toxic and randomly created chemicals to "blow open the upper energy centres" are putting their sanity and spiritual safety at great risk.
So, though delivered sternly, my contribution on this thread agreeing with people who posted before I did - comes from LOVE.
Why else would I take the time? (I could be surfing instead of sitting here typing!)
It's also love for Carla/Don/Jim and Ra... and for Ashim too ! I want him to be safe, and happy, and to share with us spiritual/metaphysical experiences that he's experienced through safe methods.
Kaaron - your apology is lovely; thank you for it, I feel the good intentions in it
I sincerely hope we all find interpersonal benefit from teach/learning here on B4.
I'm very willing to look at myself if people are respectful - not hostile.
Additionally, I'm an empath/clairvoyant... so when I read people's posts I feel your energetic state/s and it can be very overwhelming and painful for me. If you dislike me or hate me that is your issue - but to feel your dislike of me (and often - yourselves) is very intense for me (psychically) - and this is also why my responses are so intense in reply.
I'm reacting to the energy within your posts.
I am sorry for hurting you. I was wrong for saying such things. You are strong beautiful spirit, always let your flag fly.