03-09-2017, 12:17 PM
(03-08-2017, 03:46 PM)Aion Wrote: I have some thoughts, both comforting and maybe horrifying thoughts, for you all, just some musings that might stimulate some inspiration. There is no such thing as independent individuals in my eyes. They do not, perhaps cannot, exist. There is no part of you within that is not related to something outside of you as well. The entirety of your existence is based on relationship, including that with yourself.
When one looks at the subatomic world, there are many seeming contradictions. For one, there is the wave-particle duality. It would seem at first glance that in the particle function there is a separate and individual expression, and yet we know that 1) everything is affected by observation, and 2) there is no "space" between things. So I think your musing that there is no real individuality is essentially correct, but I think it's more that all things are connected.
However, just as 3D is a construct, so then would individuality be, as a way to experience, learn, and evolve. It comes back to the question: what is real? There may (or may not) be an ultimate reality, as everything must be evolving if even one part is when considering that all things are connected or part of a whole. So it cannot be said that there is an ultimate reality if there is no end to evolution. One could say the ultimate reality is infinity, but it does not necessarily follow that there is also unity. On the other hand, David Bohm, a physicist, puts these concepts together by positing that the nature of existence is implicate and explicate. The implicate being related to Intelligent Infinity. Further, he posits that the implicate universe is holographic in nature, which would unite all and relate all back to everything being intrinsically not only connected but part of one whole thing.
And yet, within the individual expression, there are infinite numbers of ways to express. So one can say I think, that there is the individual, as no two expressions could be exactly the same. Everything is in relationship to everything else, as Einstein showed us. But that doesn't mean each part of the whole isn't individual; it is, because of its unique expression. It's just not the way we see it here in 3D, under the veil, and bound by ego.
In addition, as each expression of the whole evolves, grows, and adds to the collective (it's my working theory that this is why the 3D universe is seen to be expanding), who knows where this will take existence? It's improbable that we here in 3D could conceive with our limited minds the enormity of that information—it would blow our minds electrically. But it is truly fun to muse and speculate.