03-02-2017, 04:46 PM
(03-02-2017, 04:47 AM)1109 Wrote: Really disturbing actually, are you alright? Maybe your catalytic situation made you susceptible to some astral influence.
Yeah well I keep getting messages accompanied by a warm flowing feeling all up my chakras, messages that say "literally everything you've been doing is helping you awaken. You are choosing to awaken. You are going to awaken. Continue searching in ever-increasing intensity - just as you have been doing." So honestly I'm not disturbed or scared.
Also the place really felt comfortable. Like there was no sinister vibe to it, no evil feeling. Looking back it almost feels like my astral friends were acting out a short skit with me as the center focus, like it was a skit in which I was being pranked. I'm kinda pissed about the whole testicle thing. But writing that just sent a mirthful feeling up through my body, so I guess I'm not really pissed.
Haha, I'm just really confused because there appears to be zero symbolism, zero evidence in my waking life that anything happened, zero reason for it to happen according to what I've been researching personally - in short, this event is the only thing in my life right now that appears to completely unrelated to everything else! That's why it's so strange to me. I can find nothing that connects to my dream, either before or after. It is a complete anomaly.