02-23-2017, 05:54 PM
(02-22-2017, 06:50 PM)BeThereSoon Wrote: Considering at the moment my main goal was to cleanse my root chakras as much as possible, I wouldn't put it past me to bet your answer is spot on. After putting together certain synchronicties and blatantly obvious signs implying I need to work on my "foundation" the thought even crossed my mind last night that my fear is stemming from my subconscious which believes something or someone is always out to get me.
My heart absolutely drops every time I see a cop behind me even though I'll have nothing illegal on me (I was frequently in legal trouble when I was a minor, and decided what path I want to follow when I discovered LOO). I believe this fear is something I need to get over in order to further my journey but what's crazy is I NEVER CONNECTED THE TWO. I never would've thought that the entity I saw was a thought form originating from me to help me let go of that fear. Thank you so so much
BeThereSoon, I'm glad what I said resonated with you. I only have the book knowledge, I envy those of you who have experiences.
I consider letting go fear as the first and a very important step in this journey of self discovery. It seems you were able to lift the veil and see into the thought plane during the said meditation. Since you were meditating about yourself, you saw the reflection of your thoughts. I think it's good that the figure you see is only smokey and not totally dark, and when it disappeared it left a light trail. I heard this is one reason that's important to have the discipline of the personality (if you may call that) that one is free of fear and other negative emotions, full of light and love, because then when you break the veil, you will see the reflection of the light and love you feel, and into your true higher self.