02-19-2017, 09:40 AM
Quo Wrote:This instrument, being in her sixties, is one of the early type of wanderers that no longer are coming among you. This instrument and many, indeed, millions of those who were called to the travail of your planet, came among you as pioneers of a kind. They choose to incarnate in third-density bodies, but they also chose to come into third density with a certain degree of awareness of their home densities, which were mostly of those of fifth-density and sixth-density social memory complexes.
There are a few fourth-density positively-oriented wanderers among you at this time, but, for the most part, if you are a wanderer you are probably from the density of wisdom or from the density of unity, that density in which wisdom and love are balanced.
Indeed, the majority of those who are among you at this time as positively-oriented wanderers are those from the sixth density. And your interest in coming to the Earth at this time was to improve the balance of love and wisdom in your active, conscious personality.
The reason this was so attractive to you is that within the boot camp atmosphere of third density you can get a lot done in a short time if you have the dedication of your will to a chosen and carefully manicured or articulated goal. The key is continually to review your goal and dedication so that you maintain a focus over time.
The great difficulty with wanderers of this type is that they may fail to wake up to who they are. Many of those among your wanderer population on this planet have indeed not awakened. However, under the pressure of the increasing dynamic between the new fourth-density energy and the old third-density energy, the polarity that is native to each of your systems is being tweaked and prodded by the dynamic energies so that it becomes more and more obvious to entities that there is something going on to which they need to wake up. That is one large generation of those to whom this information is especially important and attractive.
The next wave of entities which came upon your planet is of those which arrived in births during the 60s and 70s. These were an intermediate type of wanderer whose goals were not so much oriented to work in consciousness within their own personalities. These were personalities who were still hearing the travail of planet Earth as the planet itself became more and more reactive to the energies of hostility and aggression that have been increasing among your global population in response to the increasing dynamic betwixt the light and the dark, that is which is to come and that which is ending.
These entities were less concerned with their own studies in learning and more concerned, in a more urgent fashion or more of a feeling of urgency to wake up and create a shift in consciousness among the tribes of Earth. Among these wanderers, there is a tendency to be overly concerned with the urgency of the situation. In so many cases the problem is not waking them up but rather moving them to a more balanced and calm point of view where their very real skills can be used more fully. And so, to this very large bunch of wanderers, we find the challenges of awakening being very slight but the challenges of spiritual maturity to be much larger.
The third generation of those who have moved into the energies of planet Earth at this time from other places in space and time are those pioneers of fourth density who have wandered here with the firm intention of helping not only the planet’s people, but the planet itself. These entities are equipped with the ability to withstand a tremendous amount of disharmony and chaos. They do not do this with a great deal of native joy, but their makeup is such that they are capable of independent action and have little use for the traditional kind of authority which expresses itself in your established religions and those cultural icons such as the classical philosophies and so forth. To these entities, the Earth itself is speaking.
These entities are often called the Indigo Children or the Crystal Children. There are many words that try to describe the difference betwixt this generation of wanderers and previous ones. The hallmark of this breed is an insensitivity to traditional modes of expressing religious dedication while maintaining a great sensitivity and an authentic feeling for the most intensive kind of work in consciousness that is chosen by the self for the self and created as an individual expression rather than there being a great desire to become a part of an already established religion.
Nevertheless, in this last generation of wanderers there remains a feeling for the group. So you will find entities in all three generations whose interest includes the desire to reconnect with their families.
This group of large groups constitutes the wanderer population of planet Earth.
We naturally encourage all wanderers to awaken and to be aware that entities that they meet may well be entities [of] their larger group, since there are millions of wanderers upon Earth. They have in common a tremendous love for the planet, for its people and for the Creator and a serene and undisturbed belief and faith, in an unconscious and carefully protected part of the personality shell, that they are in the Creator’s service and part of the godhead principle.