02-17-2017, 10:37 AM
(02-16-2017, 01:02 PM)Aurora Borealis Wrote: I have read in other web sites a channelling of spirit guides which is celestial in nature.
I also had a galactic past life reading that resonates with my present personality.
I also have readings (from different people) that I have a celestial spirit guide looking after me, is there any connection or teachings of Ra that speak of these things?
Nau7ik pointed out a great resource for you to delve into for answers. I would just like to state my opinion.
In my personal opinion most sites laying out specifics like past life names, your charts, and almosall of it being transient information,usually only pertaining self. I would suggest not relying on websites, and doing inner seeking, and starting with lower triad work and focusing on clearing blocks and finding balance. For at least three years before trying to open any higher energy centers. This is what I suggest to all That come to me for spiritual help. The lower triad work is grossly tangible and is a great place to start understanding yourself and the nature of your being/energy. Moving to quick to activate energy centers, is one of the most repeated mistakes I have seen. I understand the want/desire to activate higher energy centers. The truth is that each energy center when balanced and flowing produce its own orgasmic vibration. For me when organge is balanced and flowing, it produces joy flowing up as if an instrument is playing it. I started opening all my energy centers very rapidly, due to remembering how, and I moved way to fast. The inbalanbes, and blockages encountered were immense. It took me years to retrace to balance and unblock energy centers. Spirituality isn't something you can rush, and is a lifelong path.