02-15-2017, 01:24 PM
(02-15-2017, 06:40 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I don't think it's fair to those with that desire to tell them it won't be possible.
Is anyone to say another pure contact isn't possible because of the prior one? Let's keep the road open for potential future people who make a serious prolonged effort, and not shut them down in the pre-initialization stage
Hi C_A, I definitely don't want to beat a dead horse, but I want to clarify (again) that I have not once said that I don't believe another Ra contact is possible. Just that I'm skeptical of most I've seen (which is barely any) for a variety of reasons, rooted in my understanding of the LOO and L/L's practices involved with maintaining the contact.
Quote:My biggest concern, what does L/L and their copyrighted Ra Material do if another organization produces a different Ra Material that is just as pure? Are they going to sue for the rights to that material? Are they going to conglomerate with the other organization?
I don't want to believe the material aspects of gains brought from the Ra Material have painted a bias of encouraging others in and associated with L/L to not seek the same, but it ultimately comes down to how those at L/L spontaneously go about handling such things. So far I have never seen anyone from L/L encourage another group to try and connect to Ra through the same careful considerations. Not sure if that's an accurate reflection of the reality surrounding them but I'm not going to judge, just pointing out something I noticed.
I highly doubt that L/L would sue ANYONE. If they were going to sue someone, they would have probably already sued David Wilcock for his "Ra" channelings. L/L is hardly motivated by money, they give away absolutely everything they have for free, friend. It's quite offensive to say that I'm trying to discourage people from channeling Ra because it might take money out of L/L's pockets.

I also don't think it's within L/L's personalities to encourage anyone to do anything specific - but what L/L IS doing is currently training new channels for Latwii, Q'uo, etc, because that is the service the Confederation is currently seeking from them. But my whole point has been wrapped around the idea that Carla pretty much discouraged the idea of trying to contact Ra again, because of her experiences and near death, and Don's actual death. Why would they encourage anyone to actively seek something that "found" them, that was so dangerous? If they thought it was so desperately important to channel Ra again, why didn't Jim and Carla seek another Don?
As you mentioned, Ra says that if they have reached one, then their mission is fulfilled. So, it seems to me that their mission has been fulfilled thousands of times over - so on that note, why would they need to try again? Ra also says that they have made a lot of mistakes by helping us humans "too much", and the Ra contact that we know is their attempts to correct this. I think their interactions on the third density plane are extremely thought out and deliberate.
I get it. Like you said, it's the same for me and so many people - the Ra material has changed my life so much. If another volume came out that to me, seemed obviously Ra and without contradictions as much as L/L's material, I would be the first person to be a LOO v2 nazi and you all know it. But when someone says they have recreated the elaborate efforts sustained by Don, Carla, and Jim by taking a bunch of drugs, yeah, I'm gonna be skeptical and probably say "watch out".
And let me say this once more, clearly, since this hasn't been tapped upon much on this thread either: Don went so crazy, because of their efforts to channel Ra, that he killed himself. That is what I am scared of. I'm not scared that L/L's going to sell less books or be discredited by some new Ra, I'm afraid that someone is going to fry their brain in whatever way they choose because of a desire for information that they believe only exists in some unreachable place outside of themselves.