02-15-2017, 11:25 AM

(02-15-2017, 07:49 AM)Muad-dib Wrote: @CA
I hold another, purecontact entirely possible!
Why not?
However, i think some humbleness and some honest self-evaluation might also be a good idea.
The ego can be a tricky one, and i feel this has been taken into account sufficiently.
Just look at the forum. Even the thread titles can give an idea of what i mean.
I have to stress the factthat i include myself here.
Look at how many threads deal with indigo ray, higher densities, intelligent infinity and so on.
Look how few threads deal with how do i process catalyst?, how do i balance my lower chakras, how do i get firmly rooted in this very planet.
Look at how many threads and posts contain abstract discussion, theories and intellectual stuff.
Look at how few threads actually contain a person openheartedly showing its "interior".
I feel, there is a very very strong refusal to deal with "lower" issues, a strong denial of many of the problems that reside in the lower chakras, and also a denial which state of evolution we are at.
Sometimes all the inntellectualization is even referred to as "path of wisdom", as if we were at the same stage as 5d beings. To the oppositei think we are mostly at the same place just as "3d natives", unwilling or unable to face our shadow self, our unpleasant emotions and all that stuff.
Inthese lower chakra issues lies the very foundation of the ego.
Our refusal to deal with this is what makes it difficult, not that there are ego-facets,no, its thefactthatwe are blind to them.
And so they control us, color every tiny bit we experience and we dont even know.
While this is just the way it is for humans and is perfectly acceptable, it should betaken into account when trying to put channeled material of a "pure vibration" out!!
Just think of some of these questions:
Am i making this completely up because itgives myself more "spiritual relevance"?
Am i receiving a message from my "inner planes" and distortingit for some reason, pretending it was a more "famous" entity?
Am i distorting the material due to my own limitations (and just imagine how vastly big the limitations are if you not yet unblocked and balanced your lowerchakras are)?
Also, imagine Ra explaining the illusory nature of time to a "normal" spiritually uninterested human being. Can you imagine how utterly distorted the result will be?
Do youthink we are "less limited"?
I think we are justas limited, we justcannot see the areas where our understanding is so greatly limited!
And i dont think earth moving into 4d changed so much, i think we can only, if at all, slightly grasp what 6d might be like.
I think even 4d would be be a big big challenge, ifatall comprehensible.
I believe all the talk we have about higher densities are not really about higher densities but moreso about our concept and imagination of it, which,inmy opinion, is something ENTIRELY different.
Sorry, if this is actually off topic, butit seems the whole thread off topic anyway
And i apologize for the rudeness that might be contained in my post.
There is no offense intended, but more a wish to open our eyes instead of over-estimating us constantly.
This was not aimed at Ashim, but to the whole subject of channeling generally
I want to point out, that we as wanderers are in the EXACT same position as "natives". We are not "better" and we are absolutely not at all "evolved higher"
We might originate in higher densities. But the consciousness as well as the issues we re dealing with are EXACTLY the same.
We have some memory and connection of what it "was" like, back in the good ol' times when we were still 4/5/6d, and that is what powers our seeking.
But on the other hand our refusal to deal with certain issues is even greater than for the acerage human being for the same reason.
In fact, except we have done lots of serious work in consciousness or healing, we are probably for the most part LESS evolved than the average human.
Not sure if this makes sense to you, but i think this is important!