02-14-2017, 07:03 PM
(02-14-2017, 01:06 PM)Minyatur Wrote: @Jade
In your belief that Ra cannot be channeled. Would you not agree that they created a responsability of receiving calls to themselves through offering the Ra material and that it'd be unlikely that their sole manner of reacting to this would be ignoring every seeker that is reaching to them? Which would basicly be to let any negative entity take up each and every contact seeking them.
Let me clarify since it seems my original intent has been somewhat distorted. It is that I do not think it is likely that someone can -solo channel- Ra. The Ra contact was a highly magical and special circumstance, and I respect that. Ra themselves, very early on, warn that they are a "narrowband" contact and any deviation from philosophical commentary would deteriorate that contact. They also mention that the instrument is anomalous in her wiring as a preincarnative condition to receiving the contact, and that it was the harmony of the group that was the main requirement to receiving the contact in an ongoing fashion.
I think it's one thing to contact Ra, to talk to Ra, to meditate with Ra, what have you. I think another thing all together happens when one sits down and says, "I want to channel Ra." and begins to record that contact to offer as guidance for themselves or others. I think firstly, you must really understand and know how to challenge entities to begin to do something like that. Secondly, you have to be aware enough to not ask questions that would detune a "narrowband" contact. It doesn't matter if you start out with Ra, if you ask the wrong questions, someone else will happily, quickly, and seamlessly step in to be "Ra". This is why a group is "safer" - you keep each other in check.
Not to mention, Carla only conscious channeled Ra once. Ra preferred the trance channel, which removes the ego. There are lots of Confederation entities that encourage people to try to channel them (in a group setting, however! - Aaron made this point earlier. It's clear in Confederation teachings that it is the calling of a group that allows a positive entity to make contact.) But conscious channel Latwii, Hatonn, those guys, all you want - I don't think the risk is near as great. Of course, that is because conscious channeling leaves the ego involved - which is the main reason people prefer Ra. But, you can't have your cake and eat it too - you can't conscious channel Ra and expect it to be of the same level as the trance channeling.
My point is that the risk to conscious channeling Ra by oneself seems, to me, to be far too great to ever attempt. There are other entities. If I want Ra's words, I go and reread the Law of One - trust me, every single time reading it has been a new experience for me, a new conversation with Ra. And it's especially the fact that people are -so attached- to the entity named "Ra" makes channeling "Ra" even MORE dangerous. I also am pretty sure most conscious L/L channeling sessions don't involve calling upon a specific entity - Carla says that at some point, she began always requesting "The best and highest contact available" which is when Q'uo became the constant. But before that, whatever entity most fit the dynamics of the group that particular day was the one who arrived to speak.
I just believe that if anyone wants to channel based on being inspired by the Ra material, that in the very least they should read Carla's A Channeling Handbook and apply the lessons she has learned after doing this for decades. Most people who solo channel Ra don't even take that step. This is why I'm wary. I don't think it's impossible, or that a contact will always be compromised. But for the fact that even the group's contact was compromised at times - I don't know if a single person would be able to handle doing such a thing on their own. I'm not putting them on a pedestal. I'm just saying there is only this group's experience of ever channeling Ra, and it took a lot of trial and error, so I would think that if one wants to duplicate the contact that they should at least apply the lessons of the only people who have ever done it.
Ra also says they searched a long time for a group that would be able to sustain their contact, and that was Carla, Don, and Jim.
Quote:71.21 Questioner: When you say you searched for this group what do you mean? What was your process of search? I ask this question to understand more the illusion of time and space.
Ra: I am Ra. Consider the process of one who sees the spectrograph of some complex of elements. It is a complex paint sample, let us say for ease of description. We of Ra knew the needed elements for communication which had any chance of enduring. We compared our color chip to many individuals and groups over a long span of your time. Your spectrograph matches our sample.
In response to your desire to see the relationship betwixt space/time and time/space, may we say that we conducted this search in time/space, for in this illusion one may quite readily see entities as vibratory complexes and groups as harmonics within vibratory complexes.
So, in short, no, I don't think just anyone can up and channel Ra if they ask. But I again don't think every single contact will necessarily be compromised - Ra even says in the above quote that they searched for "individuals" who would be able to do this. But, I think most motives that someone would have to channel Ra right now would be compromised in general - not quite the purity of Carla's desire to potentially, truly die because this was the only thing that ever made Don happy. I believe if Ra were to 'pick' another individual/group to be their receiver, that it would be a "surprise", much like Carla/Don endured. And who knows, they might not even call themselves Ra next time!