02-09-2017, 12:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2017, 02:11 AM by smc.
Edit Reason: small addition
Quote:I was intrigued by the sudden rise in popularity of synthetic cannabinoids.
Due to loopholes in the law a whole range of chemicals that mimic the effects of the active compounds in natural cannabis were becoming widely available. These novel drugs with names like JWH-018, CP-47 and the mind blowing APICA (SDB-001, 2NE1) could be ordered legally under the guise of being 'research chemicals'. My understanding from one of my guides, an entity named Ra-Sha to be precise, was that I could, under controlled circumstances and by exercising caution, use this method in order to essentially "blow open" the upper energy centers. This would be necessary in my case in order to initiate what I came to understand as "DNA re-coding", a process that re-connects to our existing double helix a further 10 ethereal strands of DNA in order to achieve multidimensional consciousness.
Quote:"Professor John W. Huffman, who first synthesised many of the cannabinoids used in synthetic cannabis mimics, is quoted as saying:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_cannabinoids
"People who use it are idiots.[13] You don't know what it's going to do to you."[25]
A user who consumed 3 g of Spice Gold every day for several months showed withdrawal symptoms, similar to those associated with withdrawing from the use of narcotics. Doctors treating the user also noted that his use of the product showed signs associated with addiction.[26]
One case has been reported wherein a user, who had previously suffered from cannabis-induced recurrent psychotic episodes, suffered reactivation of his symptoms after using Spice.
Psychiatrists treating him have suggested that the lack of an antipsychotic chemical, similar to cannabidiol found in natural cannabis, may make synthetic cannabinoid products more likely to induce psychosis than natural cannabis.[27]
Studies are currently available which suggest an association between synthetic cannabinoids and psychosis.[28]
The use of synthetic cannabinoids can be associated with psychosis and physicians are beginning to investigate possible use of synthetic cannabinoids in patients with inexplicable psychotic symptoms.
In contrast to most other recreational drugs, the dramatic psychotic state induced by use of synthetic cannabinoids has been reported, in multiple cases, to persist for several weeks, and in one case for seven months, after complete cessation of drug use.[29]
Individuals with risk factors for psychotic disorders are often counseled against using synthetic cannabinoids.[30]"
This combined with the cautions from Aaron, Nia, Coordinate_Apotheosis, and Jade advises readers here, to apply strong discernment while reading Ashim's 'Personal Experience of "Mind Control".
That this supposed contact with Ra involves an entity identifying itself as from "the soul group Lucifer"
adds further cause for the strongest discernment to be applied.
And lastly; as these forums are based around the thorough documentation of contact with Ra
- through a triangulated interface of 3 sober people; 3 adepts who attended scrupulously to the spiritual 'hygiene', and protective prerequisites needed to achieve verifiable contact with Ra;
it's verging (imo) on an insult to Bring4th that this story is being given serious consideration by some respondents to this thread.
I'm sincerely sorry that this will seem insulting to you Ashim;
but it's basic logic, given what's known about synthetic cannabinoids,
and the rigorous spiritual protocols of contact with Ra that are well documented here on the forum and in the material this forum is based on.