(02-04-2017, 01:57 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I hope when I do judge myself that I can do so in an objective manner. Or at least have enough wisdom to do it justly.
Were I to judge myself with my current personality, it wouldn't go well.
It's hard to love those who abuse us.
You have been a student of the Law of One before, remember that we incarnate because we seek progress, while not incarnate we have expanded consciousness to gauge our progress and plan our own way , not to appease some being who would demand worship through coercion/threats. Such a being would be unworthy of worship.
Quote:The appropriate time for careful judgment is that moment called the day of judgment by that holy work which you call the Holy Bible, and that day shall arrive for each, and the judge shall be yourself. It is you that you must please. It is you that you must convince. It is you that are the critic. It is you that will write the outline of your next play, when you decide in the far more enlightened atmosphere outside of your particular illusion what biases you still wish to emphasize and what ones to de-emphasize.