01-30-2017, 02:18 AM
(01-30-2017, 12:27 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I want to get closer to Logos, even to go where Logos is.
So I tell my self not to masturbate because that will make my body feel week and unable to channel much energy.
Plus the cartoon porn I look at, and sometimes real porn, is not natural.
At least not natural according to the majority of society.
And I'm sensitive. I don't want to put holes in my aura or pick up on negative entities.
It's sometimes a hard decision to make.
I actually think I can be of help here!
Firstly, releasing the bonds that others thinking has over you is a natural progression of one attempting to polarize, so for you to be concerned with what the majority of society thinks can tell you that you need to exercise the opposite, a lack of concern for what society thinks. At least, you should do so within the context of not letting others damage your view of yourself, more so than becoming apathetic of others opinions.
I personally masturbate too much, but in doing so I have no loss of vital energy or physical energy, hell, I used to use serial masturbation as a form of staying awake, after doing it three times it's like you wake up the mind enough to wake up the body for a while. However, in my years of disgusting kinky porn watching, I've never felt any loss of spiritual energies. I can say there were times were once I was done I looked at what I was looking at from a sober non-horny mind and went 'wHAT DA FU-- did I just EVEN!@', most notably was when I stumbled upon the more brutal porn films and found the roughness of it all very hot.
I think it's also important to keep the advice Ra gave when working with catalyst, whether it be of violent thoughts or erotic ones, it is okay to explore these things within the mind, and even more appropriate to keep some things to the confines of the mind.
Examples: Rape, Murder, Theft
You get the idea, it's okay to think something, it's even more okay, albeit, COMPLETELY HUMAN (which is partly why you're here) to find new things exciting and arousing and 'Hot'. I like saying that word. Hot. lol.
I think you should enjoy your porn, and just try not to overindulge in it as it can in excess be similar to a psych operation attempting to rewire the ways you experience reality. Most porn turns women into sexual objects, which can interfere in men's ability to socialize with a woman without bringing sexual energies into the mix. So try to use your imagination now and then instead of doing the easy thing and looking up porn.
ALSO, masturbation is somewhat excluded from the causes of polarizing events as it is once discovered by the body, a natural form of coping.
This is seen in young children who are abused, they often begin masturbating earlier than is usually common, I myself only know this because I began masturbating when I was around 7 years old, got caught, and subsequently had a psychiatrist tell my mother it was a sign of mental distress, which was blamed on her, which she lashed out on me for.
However, I still do it, fairly often too since I'm a pretty lonely person.
Do you have any questions? Cause like, you shouldn't be overly concerned at finding something in a fantasy setting hot. It's not like you're going to go emulate everything you see, otherwise we'd all be blowing ourselves up looneytoons style and shooting the crap out of each other GTA/first-person-shooter-games style.