01-20-2017, 05:49 AM
Thanking of Time/Space
Date: 21 January, Saturday
Time: 10AM EST, 3PM London, 11PM Beijing, 2am (following day) Sydney
Location: Chatroom 2 - the Lounge
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Theme: I'll keep this one short and sweet
One could consider it the 'unknown country'. We have maps, science, engineering and physics to help us make sense of 'space/time'. We've done a pretty good job.
But time/space is much less known by the majority of folks. People may get a taste of it in a very involved dream; but otherwise, it's not a place well frequented.
Well, considering that time/space is a direct analogue of who we are, we can at least offer it some gratitude and thanks. With acknowledgement, comes greater experience. That's the hope, anyway
Date: 21 January, Saturday
Time: 10AM EST, 3PM London, 11PM Beijing, 2am (following day) Sydney
Location: Chatroom 2 - the Lounge
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Theme: I'll keep this one short and sweet
Ra Wrote:70.12: In time/space, which is precisely as much of your self as is space/time, all times are simultaneous just as, in your geography, your cities and villages are all functioning, bustling, and alive with entities going about their business at once.
So it is in time/space with the self.
One could consider it the 'unknown country'. We have maps, science, engineering and physics to help us make sense of 'space/time'. We've done a pretty good job.
But time/space is much less known by the majority of folks. People may get a taste of it in a very involved dream; but otherwise, it's not a place well frequented.
Well, considering that time/space is a direct analogue of who we are, we can at least offer it some gratitude and thanks. With acknowledgement, comes greater experience. That's the hope, anyway