01-17-2017, 07:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2017, 07:26 PM by BlatzAdict.)
(01-17-2017, 04:17 PM)Infinite Unity Wrote: So what exactly do you think Blatz?
I think the globe and every country needs to announce we would like open formal contact with benevolent extraterrestrials. Then this would allow positive ETS to come down and make their terms and then the media would have to report on it.
A healthy balanced way to do this would be for the governments to make formal announcements as a unified whole to educate the public as a whole what has occurred and how our civilization has been affected and almost molded in every possible way in Orion Empire styles of communication, education, finance. Only then once humanity has been given the tools to wake up collectively, is anything possible. Otherwise it continues to be an uphill grassroots movement crawl to the top.
We are taught from birth that we exist in lack and in divisive terms, country vs country, or man vs beast or man vs nature, never man one with nature, man one with animals, one with all countries, one with all that is all of creation. We are not taught to do that nor are we taught how to communicate on these terms at the normal widespread basis. It is only by virtue of those willing to seek that they find this. The actual universe the actual creation is abundant in nature, because that is a quality of infinity. The one infinite creator has to have infinity somewhere in there, otherwise it becomes the one finite creator. which is kind of amusing.
anyway i posit this quote i think about a lot: and then i relate it to this entire idea. the transmutation of all that is evil could be seen not as evil but as simply blocked energy, back into amicable thoughts and ideas or if not amicable, communicable. this is done by the confrontation of all of these lies, and then being able to show with facts and evidence of it's true nature.
"80.10 Questioner: Now, the fifteenth archetype, which is the Matrix of the Spirit, has been called the Devil. Can you tell me why that is so?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not wish to be facile in such a central query, but we may note that the nature of the spirit is so infinitely subtle that the fructifying influence of light upon the great darkness of the spirit is very often not as apparent as the darkness itself. The progress chosen by many adepts becomes a confused path as each adept attempts to use the Catalyst of the Spirit. Few there are which are successful in grasping the light of the sun. By far, the majority of adepts remain groping in the moonlight and, as we have said, this light can deceive as well as uncover hidden mystery. Therefore, the melody, shall we say, of this matrix often seems to be of a negative and evil, as you would call it, nature.
It is also to be noted that an adept is one which has freed itself more and more from the constraints of the thoughts, opinions, and bonds of other-selves. Whether this is done for service to others or service to self, it is a necessary part of the awakening of the adept. This freedom is seen by those not free as what you would call evil or black. The magic is recognized; the nature is often not."
The light can deceive as well as uncover hidden mystery, to further dive into this concept, I'd like to take various evil things the swastika, the pentagram, the word evil. For thousands of years the Law of One student drop outs from the lemurian era, like the devil as portrayed in the bible, sought to be gods above men, and the devil was never able to create his own creation but only facsimiles of what had already been created. In the bible the devil wants so badly to be recognized as God going through all of the motions to become like God and yet what it is missing the most is love and that compassion for all that is, because it is all that is that is the same as it.
Swastika traditionally a symbol of inner strength not racism, while the reverse swastika means inner peace. The two symbols were supposed to describe the divine feminine and divine masculine. The pentagram can merely be reversed back into a star which is also an ancient symbol that is also the exact image recorded while stating AAAHHHH in a loud auditorium.
To explain this video.. notice when they go OOOHHHHMMM it makes circles, it is opening etheric portals!
The reason why I say this is because the shape is encoded in the sound.
Then when they get to AAHHHH pay attention! AH-men or AMEN, may have originally mean STAR MAN or MAGIC MAN, well really it makes a pentagon like shape but it still made me think of STAR. Time code 3:00.
The sand arranges to a star pattern or pentagon 5 point pattern.
I am totally getting side tracked, because everything we were taught is a lie I could get into the finer details of all of it linguistics, finance, education, food production, all of it I can get into how the dark has manipulated it not for the greater good but for personal gain. This raising vibration and this time is the time for us wanderers to uncover all of it.
The word evil is simply the word live spelled backwards. The satanic principle as opposed to the Christ principle is basically to distort what is already there, but it does not understand how to create anything new because it too is made in the image of mirror facsimile of what created all that is.
I agree with Kaaron who says something very smart.
"The confederation will only make a full disclosure, planetary contact when we are a social memory complex. This will probably happen when those who are negative either leave, or change their polarization by choice or perhaps another way.
I feel that the negative entities play a dangerous game. They run the risk of us all waking up and then being caught in a positively charged society, which would at the very least de-polarize them, if not feel like hell.
If they can't keep us down, by default they come up...right? "
The Confederation will only come when humanity learns to clean up it's own mess first and foremost before joining with the greater galactic civilization otherwise it risks harming both itself and other races with nuclear capabilities.
There have already been formal discussions with the worlds leaders, and there is already contact with the highest levels of power between those humans who are of the top 1 % financially, and other related power entities, however that ongoing contact is still with negative service to self alien races such as draconian that really are from the Orion Empire. Yes all of these elements need to be transmuted and or purged. There are various examples of free energy however all of those ideas have been bought, silenced or killed, once these negative elements are no longer in play, full disclosure will occur very quickly. Give or take a few thousand unrelated individuals who may be trying to make a quick buck yet not connected with the cabal in anyway.
In order for face to face contact with the public to happen, really the worlds governments need to make a whole media concerted thing calling for everyone to want contact with benevolent ets. It would be like the reverse of how the media normally plays out certain things like 9/11. Whenever there was a concerted effort to get people on the same page it was all controlled media lies for this or that opinion. However if it could be used by the positive, it could quickly change the face of the planet, very very quickly.
Free energy and basic 4th density healing technologies will quickly dismantle the entire pharma, military, and petroleum industries, as well as medical since currently many many medicines are derivatives of petroleum, including food based additives!! There are many many many things that need to be transmuted within our own society.
therefore all in all the confederation will certainly not make physical contact until these factors are in place, the confederation may even wait until a time as such that earth humanity itself tries these orion empire elites in court first including the draco prince that is directing the actual individuals in our local star system. That would be a shocker huh, seeing this 12 foot tall draco put his hand on a bible and having to swear before testimony it's involvement.. I would hope the Law of One could have a party!!!! i would be so drunk rofl and happy and cheering the whole time OMG WE DID IT OMG WE DID IT!!!!
Thank you to kaaron and infinite unity for asking and allowing me to respond there by allowing me to elucidate all of this. I understand i can't expect everyone to agree with me however these views come from honestly tackling the adept path, and you could say hours upon hours of intense study! years worth of study phew!