01-12-2017, 11:34 PM
(01-12-2017, 11:47 AM)Spaced Wrote: I have some limited experience with the sort of things you are describing, but I don't think I'm targeted as aggressively as you say you are.
One thing that I find sometimes helps when I feel oppressive energy trying to stifle me is to take a bath. I'll do a ritual with salt and water and soak in there. It's surprisingly effective in my experience to help dissolve any astral gunk I might have stuck to me.
State of mind is a big factor here, as you mentioned a lot of these sorts of attacks can be transcended by raising vibration or removing distortions so they have nothing to stick to. Meditation is good for this and so is ritual (as I'm sure you are aware since you say you've been practicing magick for some time).
In any case I wish you the best OP.
Well, raising vibration is important, but configuration of vibration is also vital here.
They've implanted thoughtforms to connect the use of warm water (as well as things like stretches) to furthering the etheric implants. Now, I can filter these thoughtforms out when I take a shower or such, but they don't help in particular.
If I had proper access to my magickal abilities, I could just think my way out; I'm bordering on the lower levels of adepthood. The problem is that negative time/space doesn't respect the will of the entity, so I have to polarize back to the proper configuration, which I still remember, so it's doable, but difficult for a number of reasons.
It won't be as hard for me as Ra mentioned it is for positive entities trapped in negative time/space, because while I vaguely prefer a free society, I really don't care as long as I am free, and I'm prefectly happy operating in a negative environment as long as I can do what I want. Ra mentioned that positive polarity entities would want other-selves to have freedom, and I do like that idea, but if I polarize to a place where I have power over myself and safety and control over my experience to a sufficient degree, I'm a happy camper.
So, you know, my goal is just to get free and then develop myself and not bother the Orionfags unless they bother me.
(01-12-2017, 12:32 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: I'm not familiar with these technology, how is it implanted into some people ?
Which in particular? I can direct you to technical information. In general:
Physical microchips - Exactly how you would think. Implanted under the skin, either via surgical procedure or (less commonly) thoughtform. I blacked out at an Evangelical Illuminati-run homeless shelter after rejecting their offer to become a member of their organization, firstly because I'm against Christianity, and secondly, because they told me a fat sack of obvious lies designed to make me give up my willpower. I stupidly accepted a drink from someone and woke up with a cut on my neck and strange vibrations coming from there.
Etheric implants: So-called scalar waves or quantum entanglement, which is basically a type of electromagnetic s*** that makes energy travel in infinite speed in all directions, but only affect what it resonates with, and time-charges molecules and atoms (as time as we perceive it is just the release of condensed energy). Thoughtforms, magick, and communication between cells of the human body use this technology, and this technology is responsible also for all types of memories, from morphic fields to personal memories. Orion learns what frequencies do what and then use machines to alter them - Orions being generally more oriented towards occult technology than spirituality.
Neuroprosthetics: Can now be injected with a needle. So, go for surgery at an Orion-controlled hospital (most of them), and you could get stuck. But, again, these are rejected by your immune system, and relatively easy to meditate out of if you have any magickal ability at all. They are also unlikely to seriously hurt you, because the amount of energy required to hurt you might activate your body's magical functions and disrupt their functioning automatically.
(01-12-2017, 04:13 PM)Ashim Wrote: This stuff is very real in my opinion. It started with subtle mood alteration, progressed to full blown telepathic interference and ended with me being knocked off my feet on 2 occasions and thrown several feet through the air, losing consciousness and waking up in several inches of snow.
Afterwards I felt really sick, like my auric field had been 'raped'. It took some time for my body to heal. The challenge with "raising your frequency" is that as you do so you will become a target or body of magnetic attraction for those of the same frequency. They will just be of the opposite polarity.
This is the point at which my investigations using drugs as a channelling tool found their natural end.
They (the Guardians) had somehow managed to use a huge iron bridge construction over a large body of water to conduct a considerable discharge of energy towards me. This experience was akin to entering an 'eternal return' type of time loop. I think I was in negative time/space. Certainly the most frightening experience of my life. It felt like millions of years but was probably only a minute or so.
I call it "the black hole experience". It then became clear to me, over a period of time, how physical matter is 'created', how the first density in space/time evolves from the 'unconscious' nature of souls having crossed the gateway and traversed the threshold of their octave into the next.
It is then that over time the elementals form and begin once again their dance.
In my opinion this technology is directed towards earth from our moon.
Yes. But I remember the correct configurations, too, and I've been under psychic attack most of my life and have lots of experiences with repelling charges of similar frequency. The key is to, when something invades your auric field, send a thoughtform out that resonates with it, but pushes it away, and you'll become immune to that particular method of interference. I'm really good at this, except that I'm having a hard time sending out waves at all thanks to the configuration of the etheric body, which is wired to direct energy in a looping fashion from head to toe and back without going through my chakras, which is extremely annoying, but I can remember the right configurations, so...
I've read about the moon thing a little bit. But space as we perceive it is a complete illusion, so it's not going to matter much if I manage to hit the right etheric configuration and, as Ra said, "walk the universe with unfettered tread". Because distance is totally relative and doesn't actually exist.
I suppose I might be technically of the negative polarity, depending on how its defined, preferring service to self - which doesn't preclude helping/caring about others or using my heart chakra, but does mean that I generally prefer to separate from and establish control over the seemingly external illusion. (According to the FAQ, I'm the first here?) I operate through my own ego, although I have a lot of personal differences from STS types referenced in the Ra material.
(01-12-2017, 09:57 PM)Kaaron Wrote: Back in 2011 I was smoking synthetic weed.
I took a hit and waited for the buzz.
Just before I blacked out, I felt like something grabbed me from behind my chair around my neck and pull me backwards.
I woke up on the ground next to my chair.
When I went to the bathroom, I had a serrated cut on my upper forehead that was not only dry but had an elastic textured scab that peeled off without causing bleeding or any kind of pain.
I've been feeling like they've been ramping up their efforts lately.
I talk about some of this s*** in this thread: http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=13507
It's good to know I'm not the only one feeling like this...well...not good that it's happening but that I'm not alone in the conclusions I've come to.
Yeah, stay away from that crap. That stuff definitely has etheric implants in it. I know people who have contracted similar things to what I have from using the stuff.
Stick to real marijuana if you're going to smoke, and even then, get it from a trusted source (even some dispos are suspect).
(01-12-2017, 10:04 PM)Manjushri Wrote: Synthetic weed is one of the worst threats to public health.
Hear, hear.