If you want to get rid of something, energitically speaking you're just feeding it and call for it to manifest more intensely within Creation and your furture experiences so that you find to integrate it and accept it as a portion of what you are and what the Creator is.
The STO path is not one to get rid of things but one to accept and integrate, to find love for things. Getting rid of something or to wish to get rid of something, like APW said, is a form of control and is not of a positive nature. You're rejecting facets of yourself you can't find love for while they are reflected into other-selves and desire them out of your reality.
The main problem with the concept of warrior is that it seeks a fight, exists through a fight. However noble one can define what it means to be a warrior, it is a concept that ever only exist in the perception of separation and sides. In the idea of seeking to be One with All things, it is highly paradoxal to desire to be a warrior yet remains fully acceptable. The Law of One does not reject a thing, only a subjective awareness with a limited/incomplete perspective with things to learn does this.
The STO path is not one to get rid of things but one to accept and integrate, to find love for things. Getting rid of something or to wish to get rid of something, like APW said, is a form of control and is not of a positive nature. You're rejecting facets of yourself you can't find love for while they are reflected into other-selves and desire them out of your reality.
The main problem with the concept of warrior is that it seeks a fight, exists through a fight. However noble one can define what it means to be a warrior, it is a concept that ever only exist in the perception of separation and sides. In the idea of seeking to be One with All things, it is highly paradoxal to desire to be a warrior yet remains fully acceptable. The Law of One does not reject a thing, only a subjective awareness with a limited/incomplete perspective with things to learn does this.