And that's it right there! Through the example you gave, it's a matter of our choices. How we choose to use the information / insight that we receive. The Creator neither blinks at the light or the dark.
I've done research on some negative paths in the past, and they call their higher self, one's Daemon, from the Greek daemon. There are confused mixed polarity paths in the occult that call the higher self the Holy Guardian Angel, and there are elaborate extremely difficult rituals to call down the higher self, in the medieval grimore of Abramelin the Mage. Very interesting stuff.
I would refer to the tarot card The Lovers. The choice of how to interact with the deep mind. Shall we treat our deep mind as a maiden to be courted? Or to abuse and use the deep mind like a prostitute?
I've done research on some negative paths in the past, and they call their higher self, one's Daemon, from the Greek daemon. There are confused mixed polarity paths in the occult that call the higher self the Holy Guardian Angel, and there are elaborate extremely difficult rituals to call down the higher self, in the medieval grimore of Abramelin the Mage. Very interesting stuff.
I would refer to the tarot card The Lovers. The choice of how to interact with the deep mind. Shall we treat our deep mind as a maiden to be courted? Or to abuse and use the deep mind like a prostitute?