12-25-2016, 09:25 PM
(12-25-2016, 08:03 PM)4Dsunrise Wrote: You say:
The ‘Negative Approach
Our human history and civilization is filled to the brink with horror stories. Stories of warfare, domination, religious impositions. The negative approach to yellow ray is to force a certain kind of ‘Conformity’ on other-selves, which is backed by both law and threat of physical punishment.
My response:
Two examples, the Playground rules of conformity is that no child bullies another child. High School rules are no high school student can come into school drunk or high on drugs. Should we respect their individuality and allow bullying and intoxication?
It depends on the subset on which this is being applied. A group that comes together by free-will choice, for a certain agreed outcome, can agree/negotiate the parameters by which such 'Work' can be done. If one finds the rules/protocols untenable, then one can walk away.
My original statement was more intended to apply to state/feudal level systems, where one cannot walk away. Think of many communist states where, it would seem to be reasonable to let dissenters emigrate. And yet, they keep them 'imprisoned' because to let someone walk away from such a system would demonstrate the lack of control they have over their populace (and also everyone would mass-flee from such undesirable conditions).
So my statement was intended to be taken on that level.
(12-25-2016, 08:03 PM)4Dsunrise Wrote: You say:
The society is then defined by some sort of ‘Code’, which comes down from those in positions of Power. It doesn’t matter if the Code is benevolent in nature, or has Ideals that are seemingly noble or worthwhile, it’s the fact that it’s imposed that makes it negative in nature.
My response:
So to impose codes of not killing another human being or to rape or sexually abuse children is negative? To impose a rule to a child to not put her hands on a stove so that she don't burn herself is negative?
How is it positive to not impose these codes in these situations? "I'm serving you by letting you do as you want?"
The point about "imposing" is problematic. You mention in the Positive Approach the need for organization but there seems to be some degree of imposition no matter how respectful towards others personal rights and freedoms.
I think I recall Ra's statement regards 'thou shalt not'.
"16.20 Questioner: It would be unlike an entity fully aware of the knowledge of the Law of One to ever say “Thou shalt not.” Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct."
Our legal system is based on 'thou shalt not' principles.
83.14 Questioner: I would say that a very high percentage of the laws and restrictions within what we call our legal system are of a nature of enslavement of which I just spoke. Would you agree with this?
Ra: I am Ra. It is a necessary balance to the intention of law, which is to protect, that the result would encompass an equal distortion towards imprisonment.
The difficulty lies in dissonance of approach. I think this is the main reason why 4d positive and 4d negative societies go their own way. 4d positives would not be interested in disrespectful actions regards another self, and so there would be no need for a 'legal code' to keep those negative desires in check.
In a 4d negative society, there is a strict pecking order of power, and if you try to abuse someone above your paygrade, then woe on you. The downward level of abuse, though, is unchecked, and even encouraged.
So basically everyone gets to experience the kind of 'vibration' that they sign onto. If you want to be uber-negative in 3d, go ahead. You might not enjoy the fruit of starting at the bottom of the foodchain in the next society in which you find yourself.
In terms of your Question though, being on a mixed polarity planet makes those questions very fraught.
(12-25-2016, 08:03 PM)4Dsunrise Wrote: You say:
It’s not chosen by Free Will in other words. Free Will is not about finding the ‘right answer’; it’s more about how one goes about the business of determining what the ‘right answer’ is.
My response:
Are you personifying Free Will when you say "it's not chosen by Free Will? Maybe Free Will chooses to impose some order and structure as with our Fixed Octave of natural laws of physics to have a framework to explore Free Will.
What about the Free Will of those who are trying to guide others? You seem to define Free Will as basically a blend of relativism and subjectivism -- it rejects absolutes and objective "outer and other than self" reality. It borders on solipsism.
I see Free Will as the Free Will of Interpretation ... and not the Free Will of Action. Of course, when actions are impinged upon, it will necessarily affect the Interpretation/Law of Confusion.
And you are right: free will is entirely subjective. People can wander into realms of self-insanity, because they've chosen certain tenets which are totally against the natural grain/flow.
(12-25-2016, 08:03 PM)4Dsunrise Wrote: You say:
And so any top-down hierarchical system is enforcing negative yellow ray patterns on it’s members. This can happen on a very large scale (on the level of societies and countries), and even on the very smallest scale, in how 2 individuals choose to inter-relate to each other. It becomes a yellow-ray experience when a self and another-self intersect in any way.
My response:
The Confederation has a top-down hierarchical system that is imposed from the Council of Saturn. How do you reconcile this with being "negative"? Call it a necessary evil? Or provide "negative" with a more nuanced meaning.
And yet, the Council of Saturn is entirely 'happy' to see planets/3d societies destroy themselves, to the point where they not only become uninhabitable, but 100% of the Residents perish.
Their level of 'hands off' until there is a Free Will Calling is very resolute. The Creator (being experienced) is totally allowed to run it's course.
Atlantis and Lemuria were both sunk, because this was a 3d affair, and it's not their place to get involved.
I see the Council of Saturn as primarily administrative. In that within the bounds of the Octave system, they are just licensing the particular experience that our Logos has set in motion, with the foundational parameters that were chosen. Ie, Veil or no Veil, the kind of archetypes that are preferred, etc.
Social Memory Complexes can apply to be part of the Confederation, but perhaps the way I am using the term Hierarchy is with an implied, automatic slant.
/ /
as you say, we are probably disagreeing on levels of nuance, rather than overall Principle.