12-23-2016, 12:26 AM
(12-22-2016, 07:00 PM)sjel Wrote: Bashar said to one person, very emphatically, "You. Come. From. EARTH!" In response to her question of "what planet do I come from?" He elaborated by describing that though you may have many incarnations on other planets, since your physical being is currently incarnated here, you are "from" here.
So how can there be such a thing as Wandering? Is it just that the spirit contributes more of its total being to this incarnation? Because Wanderers can't have "come from" anywhere, if all happens at once.
Basically I'm trying to fit the concept of Wanderers together with my new concept of simultaneous incarnation.
A lot of channeled beings are comprised of an energy expression whose nature is to "shake up the status quo" or to shatter existing ideas of belief in order to expand awareness and cement identification in a more mature perspective on the universe at large. So it isn't that the wanderer concept has no value, but rather that people oftentimes have a psychological need to find where they "belong". A lot of people are not satisfied with their lives, and this longing becomes palpable. It is sort of like you are building a vibrational cake out of experience and everybody wants to know what the foundation of the cake is comprised of because they think it is made of better stuff than the top (where the frosting is).
So we all come from the One, but the layers of our consciousness are indeed composed of different accumulations of experience. It is analogous to a human life. We are all born in different places in one sense, yet from a broader perspective, we were all born on earth. It just depends how specific you want to get. Simultaneous time doesn't mean there are not different roads that we take, it just means that the start and end points are ultimately the same, and that all pathways are valid. For example, you could travel from Phoenix to San Diego. All the roads that exist between those two points are simultaneously existing (and all are eventually traveled), but what is important is where you perceive yourself to be right now (which is essentially what Bashar is getting at). But within the context of the illusion, you may certainly have taken a different road than another, but from the broadest standpoint of infinity, you embody all paths, and all origins.
Unfortunately, the wanderer concept is often used as an excuse to think of oneself as more intelligent/wise/evolved than other souls, which is not altogether accurate. The only thing that separates a wanderer from a normal 3rd density is they will often have a stronger desire (a bias) to pursue spiritual knowledge than a native ordinarily will. In every other way they are pretty much exactly as limited as a normal 3rd density mind/body configuration.
The entire excursion into the finite illusion was for the purpose of exploring identity. In the same way that clothing is seen as an extension of the expression of our human bodies, individuation was seen as a similar extension of the identity less, and thing-less, Absolute. So we pick up these "garments" of mind/body complexes and they become part of our experiential continuum, and some of them we identify with more strongly than others, and these come to be regarded as our "home vibration". And often we get lost in these mind/body garments, and forget our base nature. In reality, all is our home if we are in proper balance with it. And everyone is your brother/sister/self. All unconditional love is, ultimately, is love without an object, which is the stuff we are ultimately composed of.
Some people fall into the trap of seeing the finite universe as something to be transcended, and left behind. In my opinion, this is a misnomer. The spiritual "game" is not to transcend the finite world for the infinite one, rather, it is to integrate it. The game is to see if we can "build a bridge" between the finite and the infinite. That is what the drama of creation is all about.