12-19-2016, 04:58 AM
Daer fellow seekers!
Although this an olderpost, there seems to be some importance to me, especially in an aspect that has not been cobered in the discussion yet:
I perfectly understand the irritation, that the possible or suspected use of lsd during the channeling session has caused.
(I wouldnt be irritated even if each and every session would have been channeled under lsd influence, but thats another story)
That basic concern seems to be, that the information could be distorted by the substance use.
For me, there seems to be an unspoken tendency to take each and every word in the Ra material literally as a higher law, as absolute truth. A little bit like The Bible would be used by lets say "christian fundamentalists".(I apologize for this comparison, no offense intended, its just to clarify my point of view).
I think one should ones OWN DISCERNMENT as the very last instance in this journey.
One could consider how utterly difficult it is, to "translate" 6th density concepts to a 3rd density human being behind the veil. It is close to impossible not to distort the information.
Simply because lots of these concepts are only barely touchable by our mind.
Now consider The channeler having a bad day, or lacking the vocabulary or speaking about a subject where he might be heavily blocked or biased. This adds to the difficulty in the translation process.
Secondly and at least as important: one reads and understand through the lens of ones current stage of developement. Which means, the process of understanding is being heavily influenced by ones own experiences, biases and limitations.
A little example would be: if one would have an inner resistance to deal with difficult emotional material (probably being caused by earlier traumas, which one is not yet ready to face), one could very easily completely ignore, that in almost every session the importance of dealing with ones emotions is being adressed.
(That happened to me with the seth material. I took a very intellectual approach to it, when I read itin my twenties.dealing with emotions didnt seem to be talked about much.
When I had enjoyed some therapy in my thirties, I re-read it and, bingo, the books were full of emotional subjects. I could have sworn, this wasnt in the books when I first readthem).
Re- reading material such as the Ra material after some time has passed will usually reveal completely new dimensions, due to the growth in consciousness one has made.
So, I think its important, to really use ones discernment. One could take anything that rings true as a "working hypothesis" for ones one examination, being ready to adjust ones concepts and growing in understanding.
Everything that feels odd could be discarded, maybe it can be helpful at a latertime.
Although this an olderpost, there seems to be some importance to me, especially in an aspect that has not been cobered in the discussion yet:
I perfectly understand the irritation, that the possible or suspected use of lsd during the channeling session has caused.
(I wouldnt be irritated even if each and every session would have been channeled under lsd influence, but thats another story)
That basic concern seems to be, that the information could be distorted by the substance use.
For me, there seems to be an unspoken tendency to take each and every word in the Ra material literally as a higher law, as absolute truth. A little bit like The Bible would be used by lets say "christian fundamentalists".(I apologize for this comparison, no offense intended, its just to clarify my point of view).
I think one should ones OWN DISCERNMENT as the very last instance in this journey.
One could consider how utterly difficult it is, to "translate" 6th density concepts to a 3rd density human being behind the veil. It is close to impossible not to distort the information.
Simply because lots of these concepts are only barely touchable by our mind.
Now consider The channeler having a bad day, or lacking the vocabulary or speaking about a subject where he might be heavily blocked or biased. This adds to the difficulty in the translation process.
Secondly and at least as important: one reads and understand through the lens of ones current stage of developement. Which means, the process of understanding is being heavily influenced by ones own experiences, biases and limitations.
A little example would be: if one would have an inner resistance to deal with difficult emotional material (probably being caused by earlier traumas, which one is not yet ready to face), one could very easily completely ignore, that in almost every session the importance of dealing with ones emotions is being adressed.
(That happened to me with the seth material. I took a very intellectual approach to it, when I read itin my twenties.dealing with emotions didnt seem to be talked about much.
When I had enjoyed some therapy in my thirties, I re-read it and, bingo, the books were full of emotional subjects. I could have sworn, this wasnt in the books when I first readthem).
Re- reading material such as the Ra material after some time has passed will usually reveal completely new dimensions, due to the growth in consciousness one has made.
So, I think its important, to really use ones discernment. One could take anything that rings true as a "working hypothesis" for ones one examination, being ready to adjust ones concepts and growing in understanding.
Everything that feels odd could be discarded, maybe it can be helpful at a latertime.