11-30-2016, 06:37 PM
(11-28-2016, 11:37 AM)Infinite Wrote: Hi. According every source that I researched about this theme the information is the same. This Logos was the creator of the "experimentation system" duality and freewill. This it happended million of years ago. Lucifer tried create a new universe and become the Creator. He tried make this through a experiment. But it was a big failure and a lot of planets was destroyed. In contrast a lot of galaxies was created (big bang) and a new level of vibration and consciousness borned. The lower dimensions did not exist before this big cosmic event that known as "Lucifer's Rebillion". The experimentation of reality changed. The unity of the consciousness was divided, broken in two sides. This system was implemented in this planet thousands years ago (the fall of adamic race). So, I belive that STO/STS is the same duality and freewill choices. What's your opinion?
Peace, love and light.
I'm not sure if the narrative fits the Law of One in a literal sense. You paint the picture of Lucifer creating a big cosmic event that created this particular universe in which the Service to Self path was made a potential. Ra does admit that the beginnings and endings of the octaves are steeped in mystery for them (and I would imagine most beings who would be teaching humans). But Ra doesn't at all seem to hint that the creation of this octave or universe was anything but a natural progression through the octaves, and not a result of Lucifer pulling some funny business. The STS path was always a potential, but wasn't realized until the sub-Logoi experimented with creating the veil. This was simply a result of normal experimentation within localized systems within this universe, and not the result of a "Lucifer's Rebellion." The sub-Logoi willingly choose to keep the veil and the STS path because it aids in polarization, not because it is just how things are as a result of Lucifer's changing reality as a whole.
I have always found it enlightening to view the idea of Lucifer as a metaphor, like anagogy, and less literal.
Of course, as always, not all sources of such esoteric information will match up, and we have to use our own discernment in determining truth. Not saying your story is necessarily wrong, just that it doesn't quite fit with Ra's narrative.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.