(11-21-2016, 09:34 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: ... I was walking to English class by myself...
... Again - I can recognise all the symbols and structure... It's structured and organized; not just gibberish.
Anyway, I have English class to get to, and so I have to keep going...
To my shock and horror, I find that it's a Maths Class...
It's an interesting dream, if I may offer my observations:
* you knew you had to go to English class, but again and again you were held up by Math symbols/class
* Math could represent the analytical part (left brain) of a personality, while English the creative part (right brain)
* In the parlance of Astrology, Math could be like the South Node, and English the North Node
Personally I had a number of recurring dreams in which I sat for language exams (e.g. being late for the exam, or didn't finish the paper, or had difficulty answering etc), which I interpreted to refer to my life lesson in balancing yellow-ray issues since language among others has a societal function of relating to each other.
Hope they make sense.