11-22-2016, 11:08 AM
(11-22-2016, 08:32 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: hey Kaaron. Thanks for the thoughts and deeper interpretation.
I think you're right in the fact that I might be too focussed on a self-given destination (that was once more appropriate), and missing the subtle (actually, *not* so subtle clues) that the end-goal has shifted, and that new 'data' is available which informs that goal.
I've definitely been one that has been too rigidly focussed not only on goals; but in specifc ways those goals have to be fulfilled. Just chalk that up to a Double Capricorn, applying their Will in too strong a ways
So I can definitely see how the dream also offered that very informative viewpoint.
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(11-21-2016, 11:13 PM)Kaaron Wrote: Perhaps it's that you feel you know the end of the road and that could be preventing you from understanding where the path is taking you.
Perhaps the fact that it's grafitti, has something to do with unconventional ways of being shown things from the all that you wouldn't normally see as a method of communication...?
thumbs up to both these points
what may help you as it as helped me was to try body kinesiology. You stand up and close your eyes and say something like I am a man, if you are relaxed enough you should start to fall forward, and then say something like I am a woman, and then you might fall backwards because it's a contractive or not a truth.
You can try my name is fred, or my name is gary, the point is to notice in your body how your energy is feeling when saying truthful vs inaccurate things. For me it taught me less rigidity and to remember to relax. Another method that assisted was the act of using a pendulum. You have to relax your arm to do that too.
Another exercise instead of standing is to put your hand lightly on a surface table, and say somehting true, vs something not true, if you are relaxed enough your hand will make a contracting or expanding pulse in your palm.
You saw these math problems and they didn't seem to important, so in a way you're telling a piece of yourself that it's not that important. Perhaps this could be looked at how you may feel in your own sense of worth and how that is related to others? In the test the problems were already solved, and usually whenever there is a problem it needs to be solved it doesn't tend to come already solved when it comes to life problems, so in essence they may not have been problems, but pre conceived notions on the general nature of things. What this says to me is that it is a form of a moral belief, that it just works this way. I almost see it as being born in a world with someone elses rules, and not really looking into them too deeply. I think perhaps this is a message from your higher self to examine these issues more closely, since when thinking of anything as unimportant in the dream world, it always refers to a piece of your own self that needs to be reexamined and a newer or deeper sense of appreciation for it developed.