(10-23-2010, 08:36 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: And do you feel that Ra's service in offering the Ra contact did not contain a positive flavor? To get back to the idea of polarization as building a charge in consciousness, do you feel that Ra's service in the contact was not highly charged?
Since, after early 6D, there is no longer an opposing STS charge, and, since Ra has become light itself, balanced in love/light and light/love, positive and negative no longer have any relevance.
Our interpretation of Ra's service is of course positive. But to Ra, service simply is, though they do have a bias to serve those pursuing the STO path. But this says more about those Ra is serving, than about Ra.
Q'uo has stated "The STS path is a bloody path...we are not of that path. We are of the radiant path."
Ra/Q'uo reached their present densities via the STO path. Hence, the bias to serve those still pursuing the STO path. But we actually don't know all the ways in which Ra serves. I doubt that offering the info thru Carla is the only thing they've been doing all these millions of years! I surmise they've been serving the Creator in ways we cannot even imagine.